Behind the Wireless tells the story of women at the BBC in the 1920s and 30s. Broadcasting was brand new in Britain and the BBC developed without many of the overt discriminatory practices commonplace at the time. Women were employed at all levels, except the very top, for instance as secretaries, documentary makers, advertising representatives, and librarians. Three women held Director level posts, Hilda Matheson (Director of Talks), Mary Somerville (Director of School Broadcas...
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction.- 1. Growing Like a Young Giant: The BBC as a Place to Work.- 2. Women Who Oil the Wheels: Waged Women at the BBC.- 3. Only an Exceptional Woman: Mar...
Sobre o autor
Kate Murphy is Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University, UK, where she leads the BA (Hons) History programme. Prior to this, she worked at the BBC for twenty-four yea...