In what ways have social movements attracted the attention of the mass media since the sixties? How have activists influenced public attention via visual symbols, images, and protest performances in that period? And how do mass media cover and frame specific protest issues? Drawing on contributions from media scholars, historians, and sociologists, this volume explores the dynamic interplay between social movements, activists, and mass media from the 1960s to the present. It introduces the most relevant theoretical approaches to such issues and offers a variety of case studies ranging from print media, film, and television to Internet and social media.
Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Figures and Tables
Introduction: Media and Protest Movements
Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Erling Sivertsen, and Rolf Werenskjold
Part I. Systematic Approaches to Protest and Media
Chapter 1. Changes of Protest Groups’ Media Strategies from a Long-Term Perspective
Dieter Rucht
Chapter 2. Framing Collective Action
Bert Klandermans
Chapter 3. Demonstrations, Protest, and Communication: Changing Media Landscapes – Changing Media Practices
Ralph Negrine
Chapter 4. Culture and Protest in Media Frames
Baldwin van Gorp
Chapter 5. When Journalists Frame the News
Sigurd Allern
Part II. Protest in the Mass Media around 1968: Print, Film, and Television
Chapter 6. Constructing a Media Image of the Sessantotto: The Framing of the Italian Protest Movement in 1968
Stuart Hilwig
Chapter 7. Photos in Frames or Frames in Photos? The Global 1968 Revolts in three Norwegian Dailies
Rolf Werenskjold and Erling Sivertsen
Chapter 8. Revolt in Photos: The French May 68 in the Student and Mainstream Press
Antigoni Memou
Chapter 9. Guarding News for the Movement: Guardian and the Vietnam War, 1954-1970
Naoko Koda
Chapter 10. From ‘We Shall Overcome’ to ‘We Shall Overrun’: The Transformation of U.S. Media Coverage of the Black Freedom Struggle, 1964-1968 in Comparative Perspective
David Carter
Chapter 11. Taking the Revolution to the Big Screen: A Taxonomy of Political Cinema in the 1960s and 70s
Stefan Eichinger
Chapter 12. Challenging Television’s Revolution: Media Representations of 1968 protest in Television and Tabloids
Todd Michael Goehle
Chapter 13. Protest in Television: Visual Protest on Screen
Kathrin Fahlenbrach
Part III. Professional Strategies of Protest across the Media after 1968
Chapter 14. Representing Black Power: Handling a “Revolution” in the Age of Mass Media
Craig Peariso
Chapter 15. Throwing Bombs in the Consciousness of the Masses: The Red Army Faction and its Mediality
Hanno Balz
Chapter 16. Dynamic Processes of Framing, Counterframing, and Reframing in the Greenpeace Whale Campaign in Norway
Juliane Riese
Chapter 17. The Limits to Transnational Attention: Rise and Fall in the European Social Forums’ Media Resonance
Simon Teune
Part IV. Protest in the Digital Age: Performing and Covering Protest in the Internet
Chapter 18. Global Protest in Online News
Øysten Pedersen Dahlen
Chapter 19. Cyberprotest: Protest in the Digital Age
Luca Rossi (with Giovanni Boccia Artieri)
Chapter 20. Insurgency in the Age of the Internet: the Case of the Zapatistas
Roy Krøvel
Chapter 21. Punks, Hackers and Unruly Technology: Countercultures in the Communication Society
Hendrik Spilker
Chapter 22. Public Spaces and Alternative Media Practices in Europe: The Case of the Euro May Day Parade against Precarity
Nicole Doerr and Alice Mattoni
Notes on Contributors
Sobre o autor
Rolf Werenskjold is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Media and Journalism, Volda University College, Norway. He teaches Media Studies and Media History. He is a historian and media scholar who has published several studies on the media and 1968, modern American history, and Norwegian foreign news journalism during the Cold War.