Urban Sustainability and River Restoration: Green and Blue Infrastructure considers the integration of green and blue infrastructure in cities as a strategy useful for acting on causes and effects of environmental and ecological issues. River restoration projects are unique opportunities for sustainable development and smart growth of communities, providing multiple environmental, economic, and social benefits.This book analyzes initiatives and actions carried out and developed to improve environmental conditions in cities and better understand the environmental impact of (and in) dense urban areas in the United States and in Europe.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Preface ix
About the Authors xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Foreword xiv
Part a Definition of the Issue 1
1 Green and Blue Infrastructure in Cities 3
1.1 Definitions 3
1.2 Economic and environmental benefits 5
References 7
2 Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies 10
2.1 Climate change and sustainable development 10
2.2 Impacts and risks in (of) urban areas 11
2.3 Mitigation and adaptation strategies 12
References 14
3 Environmental and Ecological Imbalances in Dense Urban Areas 17
3.1 Sustainable urban design 17
3.2 Imbalances in cities 19
3.3 Benefits connected to vegetation 20
References 22
4 Water in Urban Areas: Ecological and Environmental Issues and Strategies 26
4.1 Urbanisation and the water cycle 26
4.2 Perspectives and strategies 30
References 33
5 Ecosystem Services in Urban Areas – Social, Environmental, and Economic Benefits 36
5.1 Human activities and ecosystems 36
5.2 Green and blue infrastructure supporting ecosystem health 37
5.3 Economic value of urban ecosystems 37
References 42
Part B Strategies and Techniques 45
6 Green and Blue Infrastructure – Vegetated Systems 47
6.1 The role of GBI vegetation 47
6.2 Multifunctional ecological systems in urban areas 48
6.3 Vegetative biofilters 52
6.4 Infiltration basins 55
6.5 Bioretention Systems 56
6.6 Wetland ponds 57
6.7 Green roofs 58
References 60
7 Green and Blue Infrastructure – Unvegetated Systems 63
7.1 Unvegetated green and blue infrastructure 63
7.2 Water squares 64
7.3 Porous paving/pervious paving 66
7.4 Infiltration trenches 67
7.5 Treatment train 70
References 73
8 Urban River Restoration 76
8.1 Watershed processes and functions 76
8.2 Degraded river ecosystems 77
8.3 Techniques and strategies for river restoration 80
8.4 Restoring connectivity within urbanised areas 84
References 87
9.1 The Bronx River, USA – Strategies and Techniques 93
9.1.1 Context 93
9.1.2 Ecological and environmental issues 98
9.1.3 Strategies, techniques and results 99
References 104
9.2 Los Angeles River, USA – Strategies and Techniques 106
9.2.1 Context 106
9.2.2 Ecological and environmental issues 109
9.2.3 Strategies and techniques 111
References 115
9.3 Madrid Río, Spain – Strategies and Techniques 117
9.3.1 Context 117
9.3.2 Ecological and environmental issues 120
9.3.3 Strategies, techniques, and results 121
References 126
9.4 Paillon River, France – Strategies and Techniques 127
9.4.1 Context 127
9.4.2 Ecological and environmental issues 129
9.4.3 Strategies, techniques, and results 133
References 137
9.5 River Thames, England – Strategies and Technique 138
9.5.1 Context 138
9.5.2 Ecological and environmental issues 141
9.5.3 Strategies and techniques 145
References 149
9.6 Emscher River, Germany – Strategies and Techniques 151
9.6.1 Context 151
9.6.2 Ecological and environmental issues 154
9.6.3 Strategies, techniques, and results 155
References 158
Part C Opportunities and Policies 161
10 Green and Blue Infrastructure Top‐Down Policies 163
10.1 European environmental and water policy 163
10.2 American environmental and water policy 168
References 173
11 Bottom‐Up Initiatives for Green and Blue Infrastructure 177
11.1 Bottom‐up and top‐down approaches 177
11.2 Bottom‐up initiatives in the United States 178
11.3 Bottom‐up initiatives in the European Union 185
References 187
12 Selection of Management Practices and Guidelines 190
12.1 Sustainable urban development 190
12.2 Best Management Practices (BMPs) 191
12.3 Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) strategies 193
12.4 Low Impact Development (LID) 195
12.5 Sustainable Drainage System (Su DS) 198
References 200
13.1 The Bronx River, USA – Opportunities and Policies 203
13.1.1 Project development 203
13.1.2 The greenway 208
13.1.3 Policies and local community 210
References 212
13.2 Los Angeles River, USA – Opportunities and Policies 214
13.2.1 River revitalization plans 214
13.2.2 Costs and benefits 220
13.2.3 Community involvement 224
References 225
13.3 Madrid Río, Spain – Opportunities and Policies 227
13.3.1 Project development 227
13.3.2 Project costs and benefits 231
References 233
13.4 Paillon River, France – Opportunities and Policies 235
13.4.1 Framework of French water policies 235
13.4.2 Local policies and projects 236
References 242
13.5 River Thames, England – Opportunities and Policies 244
13.5.1 Water policy framework and planning strategies 244
13.5.2 Local policies and projects 247
13.5.3 Project costs and benefits 250
References 254
13.6 Emscher River, Germany – Opportunities and Policies 256
13.6.1 Project development 256
13.6.2 Policies and participation 262
13.6.3 Project costs and benefits 263
References 264
Index 266
Sobre o autor
Katia Perini is adjunct professor and postdoctoralresearch fellow at the Scuola Politecnica – Università degli Studi di Genova, Department of Architectural Sciences. Her research focuses on environmental sustainability and on integration of vegetation as means to restore the environmental quality of urban areas. She has been a guest researcher at the Delft University of Technology (CITG, Department of Materials & Environment). She was selected as a Fulbright grantee, under the Fulbright-Schuman Program, with a research project regarding the sustainability of urban areas with New York City as case study; the research was conducted at the Urban Design Lab of the Earth Institute of Columbia University (NY, USA).
Paola Sabbion is lecturer and post-doc researcher at the University of Genoa, Polytechnic School, Department of Sciences for Architecture. She has researched degraded landscapes and was winner of a Research Fellowship at Urban Lab, Municipality of Genoa Urban Planning Office, with the advisory of Richard Burdett, London School of Economics. Paola works as tutor at different international workshops to the students of the Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture (i.e.: Workshop: ‘Grossraschen Lake District’, Cottbus (Germany), in collaboration with IBA – Internationale Bauausstellung, and Workshop: ‘Mies van der Rohe: Mediterranean Cities’, in collaboration with UNIGE and UPC Barcelona). In 2012 Paola is winner of a Ph D grant based on funds from MIUR (Ministero Istruzione Università Ricerca) by Italian government.