★ Starred selection for CCBC’s Best Books Ideal for Teachers 2023!
Resurgence is an inspiring collection of contemporary Indigenous poetry, art, and narratives that guides K–12 educators in bridging existing curricula with Indigenous voices and pedagogies. In this first book in the Footbridge Series, we invite you to walk with us as we seek to:
- connect peoples and places
- link truth and reconciliation as ongoing processes
- symbolize the risk and urgency of this work for both Indigenous and settler educators
- engage tensions
- highlight the importance of balance, both of ideas and within ourselves
Through critical engagement with each contributor’s work, experienced educators Christine M’Lot and Katya Adamov Ferguson support readers in connecting with Indigenous narratives and perspectives, bringing Indigenous works into the classroom, and creating more equitable and sustainable teaching practices.
In this resource, you will find:
- diverse Indigenous voices, perspectives, and art forms from a variety of nations and locations
- valuable concepts and methods that can be applied to the classroom and beyond
- practical action steps and resources for educators, parents, librarians, and administrators
Use this book as a springboard for your own learning journey or as a lively prompt for dialogue within your professional learning community.
Tabela de Conteúdo
About This Book
About The Footbridge Series
Part 1: Resistance
Beyond Being Silenced by Sara Florence Davidson
- Connections
Poetry as Cultural Expression by Rita Bouvier
- Connections
T’seka Reflection by Lucy Hemphill
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Poetry by Louise Bernice Halfe
- Connections
Part 2: Resilience
Mental Health by David A. Robertson
- Connections
Writing as a Therapeutic Medium by Wanda John-Kehewin
- Connections
Birch Bark Technology by KC Adams
- Connections
Images and Health by Lisa Boivin
- Connections
Part 3: Restoring
Stories are Resurgence by Wilson Bearhead and Charlene Bearhead
- Connections
Why am I not on Star Trek? by Sonya Ballantyne
- Connections
Indigenous Spaces by Reanna Merasty
- Connections
Games as Resurgence by Elizabeth La Pensée
- Connections
Part 4: Reconnecting
Poems by Nicola I. Campbell
- Connections
Paths of Tradition by Russell Wallace
- Connections
Let the Children Play by Victoria Mc Intosh
- Connections
Ethnomathematics and Beading by Christina Ruddy
- Connections
The Contributors
Additional Resources
Sobre o autor
Christina Lavalley Ruddy, a member of Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, is an artist, researcher, mentor, and advocate. She has spent her career working to empower Indigenous youth through education, language, and capacity building, in settings such as friendship centres and post-secondary institutions. In 2018, Christina received Lakehead University’s Indigenous Partnership Research Award, with Dr. Ruth Beatty, in recognition of her leadership in incorporating Indigenous knowledge into the Ontario mathematics curriculum.