Catch 22: The Book That Will Change The Way You See Life.
Does your life feel unfulfilled? Do you hunger for a better, more serene life? Are you still searching for your real purpose in life?
This book looks at 22 long-standing principles you may have forgotten amidst the clutter and confusion of today’s busy pace. In it, you’ll find the key to fulfillment, purpose and inner peace. You’ll find out how to get back on the path toward God…if you’re willing to follow a few simple rules.
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Catch 22: The Book That Will Change The Way You See Life.
1. Find God and hold fast to him no matter what the temptation.
2. Regardless of what you see in the mirror, you’re created in God’s
image and likeness.
3. Stop following the crowd. They’re foolish and misled.
4. Don’t let the media determine your image. Let God shape you.
5. Your temple is your body, not the church down the street.
6. You are what you eat, drink, and think.
7. Find a way to love yourself, then you can love your brother as yourself.
8. If it can rust, mold or be stolen, it will not profit or deliver you.
9. Drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll will not relieve the stress of the mind
(only the principles of God will do that).
10. In many cases the people you’re attracted to are truly bad for you,
and the ones you don’t want to listen to probably have something
good to say.
11. Once you learn to forgive, you’ll be set free.
12. Be honest with yourself (even though it probably will hurt).
13. Be honest with others (it probably will help).
14. Start over.
15. Everything is your fault. You don’t know it yet, but you have total
control of your life.
16. Stop blaming others. Get up and do something.
17. Smile.
18. Try a positive attitude.
19. The only enemy you have is in your head.
20. Have faith that God knows what he’s doing.
21. Cleanse your body of negative materials (right now).
22. Exercise your mind, body and spirit. Therein lies heaven or hell.