Demographic ageing is identified as a global challenge with significant social policy implications. This book explores these implications, with a particular focus on the pressures and prospects for ageing societies in the context of austerity.
The book presents a carefully crafted study of ageing in Ireland, one of the countries hardest hit by the Eurozone financial crisis. Providing a close, critical analysis of ageing and social policy that draws directly on the perspectives of older people, the text makes significant advances in framing alternatives to austerity-driven government policy and neoliberalism, giving a refreshing interdisciplinary account of contemporary ageing.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Foreword ~ Alan Walker;
Introduction: social policy and ageing through austerity ~ Kieran Walsh, Gemma M. Carney and Áine Ní Léime;
Contextualising ageing in Ireland ~ Sheelah Connolly;
Citizenship in an age of austerity: towards a constructive politics of ageing ~ Gemma M. Carney;
Active ageing: social participation and volunteering in later life ~ Áine Ní Léime and Sheelah Connolly;
Pension provision, gender, ageing and work in Ireland ~ Áine Ní Léime, Nata Duvvury and Aoife Callan
Interrogating the ‘age-friendly community’ in austerity: myths, realities and the influence of place context ~ Kieran Walsh;
Reframing policy for dementia in Ireland ~ Eamon O’Shea, Suzanne Cahill and Maria Pierce;
Between inclusion and exclusion in later life ~ Thomas Scharf and Kieran Walsh;
Conclusion: beyond austerity: critical issues for future policy ~ Gemma M. Carney, Kieran Walsh and Áine Ní Léime;
Afterword: Austerity policies and new forms of solidarity ~ Chris Phillipson.
Sobre o autor
Aine Ni Leime is a Marie Sklodowska Curie International Outgoing Research Fellow at the National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland. She conducts research on gender, ageing and work.