In celebration of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy, this issue of the Nexus Network Journal is devoted to relationships between astronomy, mathematics and architecture. Ancient cultures looked to the heavens in order to identify timeless principles for their own creations. Knowledge gained in astronomy was transformed into culture through architecture and design. Papers in this issue look at how astronomy influenced architecture and urban design.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Letter from the Editor.- Letter from the Editor.- Research.- The Holy Alignment: Geodesic and Astronomical Fundamentals for Calculating the Adjustment of Medieval Naves.- Mathematical Interpretation of a Thirteen Hundred Year Old Stone Masonry Observatory.- Akhet Khufu: Archaeo-astronomical Hints at a Common Project of the Two Main Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.- The Megalithic Building of S. Erasmo di Cesi: Architecture, Astronomy, and Landscape.- Geometry, the Measure of the World.- Mathematical Knowledge of Architecture in the Works of Kâshânî.- Didactics.- The Story of Science.- Drawing, Form and Architecture: Two Projects for First-Year Students.- Geometer’s Angle.- The Geometry of the Zodiac.- Book Review.- Robert Tavernor Smoot’s Ear: The Measure of Humanity.- Conference Report.- Nexus VII: Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics.- Exhibit Report.- Guarini, Juvarra e Antonelli. Segni e simboli per Torino.