Why does merely understanding and trying hard to follow the example of Jesus often yield little progress—and even less joy and peace? Deriving insights from the life of Jesus in the Gospels, Klaus Issler uncovers the dynamics involved in truly becoming more Christlike. He shows how you can forge much deeper connections with Jesus so that his life permeates your own character. The result is a closer alignment between what you want to do as a follower of Jesus, what you actually do and who you are becoming in your relationship with him. Learn to be transformed from the inside out.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Foreward by Calvin Miller
Part One: A Process for Christian Character Formation
1. Form Your Heart, Not Just Your Behavior
2. Wake up to Five Formation Gaps
3. Adapt Formation Practices for your journey
Part Two: Essential Divine Resources of Formation Grace
4. Love: Divine Relational Support in Jesus’ Life and Ours
5. Holy Spirit: Divine Mentoring in Jesus’ Life and Ours
6. Scripture: Divine Revelation of Reality and a ‘Jesus’ Lifestyle
Part Three: Following Jesus in Our Gaps
7. Three Exemplary Jesus Practices About Relationships
8. Three Exemplary Jesus Practices About Money and Work
Name and Subject Index
Scripture Index
Sobre o autor
Calvin Miller (M.Div., Ph.D., Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the author of more than forty books, including the bestselling Singer Trilogy. A former pastor, Miller continues to be a popular speaker and preacher. His recent works include Preaching (Baker), O Shepherd Where Art Thou? (Broadman) and Conversations with Jesus (Harvest House).