In recent years, much work has been put into creating programming languages that embody a blend of many of the most admired characteristics of their predecessors. One such language is D, which provides developers with the speed of languages such as C and C++ combined with the power and flexibility of languages such as Ruby and Python.
Learn to Tango with D introduces you to the powerful D language, with special attention given to the Tango software library. A concise yet thorough overview of the language’s syntax and features is presented, followed by an introduction to Tango, the popular general–purpose library you’ll find invaluable when building your D applications.
Authored by prominent D developers Kris Bell, Lars Ivar Igesund, Sean Kelly, and Michael Parker, this book supplies not only the knowledge required to begin building your own D applications, but also the insight these authors have acquired due to their extensive experience working with and participating in the development of the D language.
Tabela de Conteúdo
First Steps.- D Fundamentals.- D’s Object-Oriented Features.- Procedural Lifetime.- Templates.- Text Processing.- Input and Output.- The Other Packages.
Sobre o autor
Kris Bell is a Scottish pirate and wannabe musician, part-time photographer, avid traveler, open-source advocate, miscreant techie dweeb and a principal Tango contributor. He enjoys swimming, cycling, sailing, occasional hikes and recently took up rock climbing. Previously, he dabbled in a bit of car-racing and skydiving, and once took a flying-trapeze course where the latter served only to cement his vocation of choice. He lives in California, though hails from the Scottish West Coast and has a dodgy set of bagpipes to remind him of home. Kris has a varied background in engineering and architecture, spanning application servers to rapid application development (RAD) toolsets, embedded-OS to graphics engines, workflow to high-performance clustering & failover substrata. Some commercial systems he’s designed/built include enterprise & Internet application platforms, factory automation systems, carrier-grade middleware, immersive environment simulation and crazy interactive clothing. In a different age he would probably have been a steam-locomotive engineer, a swashbuckling jolly-roger, or a funky bell-ringer.