Autor: Kurt Matzler

KURT MATZLER is Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Matzler has worked as a visiting professor and research scholar at universities in the United States, Austria and Italy. His primary research and teaching interests are in the areas of global strategic management, innovativeness and market orientation. He has authored and edited several books and over fifty articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is director of the Executive MBA programme at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) and teaches on several MBA programmes in Switzerland and Austria. As a partner at IMP, he acts as a consultant to companies in the areas of strategy, innovation and marketing.   FRANK BAILOM holds a doctorate in social and economic sciences from Innsbruck University, Austria. Before he founded the international strategy consulting company IMP together with Dieter Tschemernjak and Professor Hans Hinterhuber, he was a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Management of Innsbruck University in Austria. The results of his research in strategy, innovativeness and consumer behaviour have been published in numerous international journals and presented at international conferences. Currently, he is managing director of IMP Austria and works as a senior consultant for international companies. Bailom lectures on various MBA programmes in Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.   DIETER TSCHEMERNJAK graduated from Innsbruck University, Austria, and worked as a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Management at the University of Innsbruck. In 1996, he co-founded IMP (Innovative Management Partner), which specialises in strategy development based on innovative market and organizational analyses. The results of his research in strategy and market orientation have been published in various journals and presented at international conferences. Currently, he is managing director of IMP Switzerland and works as a senior consultant for international companies. He also lectures on executive training programmes in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

22 Ebooks por Kurt Matzler

Kurt Matzler & Franz Bailom: Enduring Success
This book looks at the pillars of success of high-performing companies, and how they perform in areas such as innovativeness, market orientation, core competencies and leadership and entrepreneurship …
Birgit Renzl & Kurt Matzler: The Future of Knowledge Management
In this book leading scholars debate current issues and shed light on future prospects in the field of Knowledge Management. It presents new perspectives on knowledge and learning, including modes of …
Kurt Matzler & Harald Pechlaner: Strategie und Leadership
Strategie und Leadership sind zentrale Faktoren für den nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg. In diesem Sammelband, der Hans H. Hinterhuber gewidmet ist, beleuchten die Autoren unterschiedliche Facetten d …
Clayton M. Christensen & Michael E. Raynor: The Innovator’s Solution
 Mit seinem Werk „The Innovator’s Dilemma“ verfasste Clayton M. Christensen eines der wichtigsten Managementbücher der letzten Jahrzehnte. In „The Innovator’s Solution“ beschreiben Clayton M. Chri …
Kurt Matzler & Franz Bailom: Digital Disruption
Disruption ist „kreative Zerstörung“. Altes wird zerstört, Neues – Besseres oder Anderes – entsteht. Die digitale Transformation verändert Märkte und Unternehmen radikal und umfassend. Viele dieser V …
Kurt Matzler & Todd Mooradian: Strategic Marketing: Pearson New International Edition PDF eBook
For highly applied undergraduate and graduate marketing management or strategy courses.An all-purpose approach to strategic marketing management. Because strategic marketing is the essential marketin …
Kurt Matzler & Harald Pechlaner: Werte schaffen
Die Österreichische Wissenschaft kann mit Stolz auf eine ungewöhnliche und zugleich auch wirkungsvolle Persönlichkeit verweisen – auf Professor Hans H. Hinterhuber, zu dessen 65. Geburtstag ich Ihm h …
Kundenzufriedenheit und Involvement
Stephan Friedrich von den Eichen & Julia Hautz: Open Strategy
How smart companies are opening up strategic initiatives to involve front-line employees, experts, suppliers, customers, entrepreneurs, and even competitors.Why are some of the world’s most successfu …
Christian Stadler & Julia Hautz: Open Strategy
Warum gelingt es einigen der weltweit erfolgreichsten Unternehmen, der Disruption zu entgehen und innovative Strategien zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, während sich andere mit Veränderung schwertun? Fü …
Christian Stadler & Julia Hautz: Open Strategy
Warum gelingt es einigen der weltweit erfolgreichsten Unternehmen, der Disruption zu entgehen und innovative Strategien zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, während sich andere mit Veränderung schwertun? Fü …