***A Strong Words 2023 Book of the Year***
'A highly enjoyable and serendipitous read!' – Rob Eastaway, bestselling co-author of Headscratchers: The New Scientist Puzzle Book
Did you know:
-Only around 100 people have ever lived beyond a million hours (that's about 114 years)
-Around 7% of everyone who has ever lived is currently alive
-The '12 days of Christmas' song, when sung in full, results in 364 gifts being given – one for every day… except Christmas
Broken down into 12 chapters that correspond roughly to months of the year – from going 'back to school' with arithmetic and times tables through prime numbers and all the way to the 12 Days of Chris-maths, this book features a collection of 365 fascinating numerical 'nuggets', accompanied by clear, bite-size explanations of the mathematics that underpin them.
Sobre o autor
Kyle D Evans is an award-winning maths communicator and entertainer. He has performed at venues from Edinburgh Fringe to London Science Museum and more or less everywhere between. He is thought to be the first and only person to have had a song about the Riemann hypothesis tuned into a local radio jingle.