This book is in honor of Yasuhiko Takahara, a first-class researcher who has been active for some 50 years at the global level in systems research. Researchers and practitioners from Japan and other countries who have been influenced by Takahara have come together from far and wide to contribute their major research masterpieces in the field of systems research in the broadest sense.
While the roots of Takahara’s systems research are in general systems theory and systems control theory, he developed his research and teaching in diverse directions such as management information science, engineering, social simulation, and systems thinking. As a result, many of the researchers and practitioners he supervised or influenced have established their own positions and are now active around the world in a wide range of systems research.
Volume II is a collection of their masterpieces or representative works in the fields of systems management theory and practice.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Part 1: Social/Organizational Theory and Application.- Chapter 1: Complex Systems and Postmodernism: A New Perspective for Society in the 21st Century.- Chapter 2: A Retrospective on the University-Industry Innovation Nexus in Japan: Empirical Assessment of Coauthorship in the Light of New Data.- Chapter 3: Consideration of Organization Model Based on Dynamic Equilibrium Theory.- Chapter 4: A Process for a Conceptual Design and its Simulation Toward New Business Model Creation.- Chapter 5: Virtual Organization, Organizational Intelligence, and Imperfect Information Processing.- Chapter 6: Composite: A Model of Virtual Organization.- Part 2: Systems Management.- Chapter 7: What Should be Added to Science for Solving Wicked Problems?.- Chapter 8: Methodology for Refining Concept through Refutation in Theory of Organizational Strategy.- Chapter 9: PVa R: A New Risk Measure for Financial Investments.- Chapter 10: An Agent-based Approach to Stability of Complete, Directed and Signed Social Networks with Loops.- Chapter 11: A Model of Consensus and Consensus Building within the Framework of Committees with Permissible Ranges of Decision Makers.- Chapter 12: A Game Theory Investigation of Contract between IT Vendor and User in Problems of Information System.- Chapter 13: Systemic Approach to Reliability and Safety Management Incorporating Uncertainty.
Sobre o autor
Kyoichi Kijima, Daito Bunka University (Professor), Tokyo Institute of Technology (Professor Emeritus)
Junichi Iijima, Tokyo University of Science, Pofessor
Ryo Sato, Yokohama National University, Professor Emeritus
Hiroshi Deguchi, Tokyo institute of Technology, Professor
Bumpei Nakano, Tokyo institute of Technology, Professor Emeritus