Autor: L. Fawcett

RICHARD FEINBERG Professor of International Political Economy, University of California, San Diego, USA ANDREW HURRELL Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford University, UK IGNACIO LABAQUI Assistant Professor of Latin American Politics, Universidad Catolica, Argentina ROBERTO KORZENIEWICZ Ford Foundation, USA NEIL S. MACFARLANE Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford, UK DAVID PION-BERLIN University of California, USA LORENA RUANO Research Professor, CIDE, Mexico WILLIAM C. SMITH Professor of Political Science, University of Miami, USA BLANCA TORRES Research Professor, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico DIANA TUSSIE Director of the Research Programme on International Economic Institutions, FLACSO, Argentina GUSTAVO VEGA-CANOVAS Professor, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico LAURENCE WHITEHEAD Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College, Oxford

2 Ebooks por L. Fawcett

L. Fawcett & M. Serrano: Regionalism and Governance in the Americas
This book links contemporary thinking on global and regional governance to the recent experience of the Americas. It offers fresh insights into understanding the processes of order and change in the …
L. Fawcett: Religion, Ethnicity and Social Change
In Religion, Ethnicity and Social Change the author argues that the recent focus on religious fundamentalism in ethnic conflict has obscured the ambiguous role of ‘mainstream’ Western religion. The b …