This collection brings together two enchanting novels by Lucy Maud Montgomery, chronicling the heartwarming journey of Patricia Gardiner, a young woman whose love for her home, Silver Bush, shapes her life’s story.
In Pat of Silver Bush, readers are introduced to young Patricia Gardiner, a girl who hates change and cherishes her beautiful home, Silver Bush, above all else. Surrounded by her loving family and the ever-magical housekeeper, Judy Plum, Pat finds joy in the familiar and the steadfast. However, as she navigates the challenges of growing up, she must learn to cope with the inevitable changes and tragedies that test her resilience.
The story continues in Mistress Pat, where Patricia is now in her twenties, still deeply devoted to Silver Bush. Despite having admirers who wish to offer her a new home, Pat’s love for Silver Bush remains unwavering. As change looms on the horizon, Pat must confront her fears and decide whether her loyalty to her beloved home can coexist with the possibility of romance and new beginnings.
From the author of the Anne of Green Gables series, these two novels, originally published in 1933 and 1935, showcase L. M. Montgomery’s masterful storytelling. Experience the magic of Silver Bush and the enduring spirit of Patricia Gardiner in this delightful collection.
Sobre o autor
Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874–1942) was a Canadian author and writer of 20 novels, 30 essays, 500 poems and 530 short stories. She is best known for the Anne of Green Gables series of children’s books. Most of her fictional works are set in Canada’s smallest province, Prince Edward Island. In 1935, Montgomery was made an officer of the Order of the British Empire.