Tabela de Conteúdo
MCO 2008.- Optimal Flight Paths Reducing the Aircraft Noise during Landing.- Scalability Analysis of a Novel Integer Programming Model to Deal with Energy Consumption in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks.- Single Straddle Carrier Routing Problem in Port Container Terminals: Mathematical Model and Solving Approaches.- Employing “Particle Swarm Optimization” and “Fuzzy Ranking Functions” for Direct Solution of EOQ Problem.- Linear Reformulations of Integer Quadratic Programs.- Control of Some Graph Invariants in Dynamic Routing.- A Simulation Tool for Analyzing and Improving the Maternity Block Management.- Solving the Multiple Objective Integer Linear Programming Problem.- Generalized Polychotomic Encoding: A Very Short Bit-Vector Encoding of Tree Hierarchies.- Mathematical Programming Formulations for the Bottleneck Hyperplane Clustering Problem.- Constraint Propagation with Tabu List for Min-Span Frequency Assignment Problem.- Evolutionary Optimisation of Kernel and Hyper-Parameters for SVM.- Lot-Sizing and Sequencing on a Single Imperfect Machine.- Best and Worst Optimum for Linear Programs with Interval Right Hand Sides.- Transit Network Re-timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling.- Traveling Salesman Problem and Membership in Pedigree Polytope – A Numerical Illustration.- The Minimum Weight In-Tree Cover Problem.- On Importance of a Special Sorting in the Maximum-Weight Clique Algorithm Based on Colour Classes.- An Extended Comparison of the Best Known Algorithms for Finding the Unweighted Maximum Clique.- An Adapted Branch and Bound Algorithm for Approximating Real Root of a Ploynomial.- Portfolio Selection under Piecewise Affine Transaction Costs: An Integer Quadratic Formulation.- An Exact Method for a Discrete Quadratic Fractional Maximum Problem.- Disaggregation of Bipolar-Valued Outranking Relations.- A Performance Study of Task Scheduling Heuristics in HC Environment.- Performance Evaluation in a Queueing System M 2/G/1.- Outcome-Space Polyblock Approximation Algorithm for Optimizing over Efficient Sets.- A DC Programming Approach for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs.- Simulation-Based Optimization for Steel Stacking.- Robust Hedging of Electricity Retail Portfolios with CVa R Constraints.- Value Functions and Transversality Conditions for Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems.- Modeling the Mobile Oil Recovery Problem as a Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Problem.- Empirical Analysis of an Online Algorithm for Multiple Trading Problems.- A Novel Approach for the Nurse Scheduling Problem.- Postoptimal Analysis in Nonserial Dynamic Programming.- A Novel Optimization in Guillotine Cut Applied Reel of Steel.- Robust Production Planning: An Alternative to Scenario-Based Optimization Models.- Challenging the Incomparability Problem: An Approach Methodology Based on ZAPROS.- DC Programming Approach for a Class of Nonconvex Programs Involving l 0 Norm.- Finding Maximum Common Connected Subgraphs Using Clique Detection or Constraint Satisfaction Algorithms.- Analysis and Solution Developement of the Single-Vehicle Inventory Routing Problem.- A Methodology for the Automatic Regulation of Intersections in Real Time Using Soft-Computing Techniques.- Composite Dispatching Rule Generation through Data Mining in a Simulated Job Shop.- Co-author Network Analysis in DBLP: Classifying Personal Names.- On Clustering the Criteria in an Outranking Based Decision Aid Approach.- A Fast Parallel SVM Algorithm for Massive Classification Tasks.- A Wavelet Based Multi Scale Va R Model for Agricultural Market.- Using Formal Concept Analysis for the Extraction of Groups of Co-expressed Genes.- Join on Closure Systems Using Direct Implicational Basis Representation.- G 1 Blending B-Spline Surfaces and Optimization.- A Delineation Algorithm for Particle Images Online.- Improving Inter-cluster Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Networks by Delayed Flooding.- Improved Time Complexities of Algorithms for the Directional Minimum Energy Broadcast Problem.- Optimised Recovery with a Coordinated Checkpoint/Rollback Protocol for Domain Decomposition Applications.- A Context-Aware Broadcast Protocol for Mobile Wireless Networks.- Stability of Two-Stage Queues with Blocking.- A Competitive Neural Network for Intrusion Detection Systems.- Transfer Graph Approach for Multimodal Transport Problems.- Wireless Traffic Service Communication Platform for Cars.- System Architecture for C2C Communications Based on Mobile Wi MAX.- Accuracy and Efficiency in Simulating VANETs.- Design of Highly Nonlinear Balanced Boolean Functions Using an Hybridation of DCA and Simulated Annealing Algorithm.- Non-standard Attacks against Cryptographic Protocols, with an Example over a Simplified Mutual Authentication Protocol.- Provable Security against Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis Application to CS-Cipher.- VNSOpt Clust: A Variable Neighborhood Search Based Approach for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection.