Set aside trends to focus on the fundamentals of great leadership
Reframing Organizations provides time-tested guidance for more effective organizational leadership. Rooted in decades of social science research across multiple disciplines, Bolman and Deal’s four-frame model has continued to evolve since its conception over 25 years ago; this new sixth edition has been updated to include coverage of cross-sector collaboration, generational differences, virtual environments, globalization, sustainability, and communication across cultures. The Instructor’s guide has been expanded to provide additional tools for the classroom, including chapter summary tip sheets, mini-assessments, Bolman & Deal podcasts, and more. These recent revisions reflect the intersection of reader recommendations and the current leadership environment, resulting in a renewed practicality and even greater alignment with everyday application.
Combining the latest research from organizational theory, organizational behavior, psychology, sociology, political science and more, the model detailed here provides real guidance for real leaders. Guide, motivate, and inspire your team’s best performance as you learn to:
* Optimize group, team, and organizational structure
* Build a positive, collaborative dynamic across generations, teams, and sectors
* Understand power and conflict amidst the internal and external political landscape
* Shape your organization’s culture and build a cohesive sense of spirit
Bolman and Deal’s four-frame model has withstood the test of time because it offers an accessible, compact, and powerful set of ideas for navigating complexity and turbulence. In today’s business climate, leadership trends come and go; today’s flash in the pan is tomorrow’s obsolete strategy, but a leadership framework built on a solid foundation will serve your organization well no matter what the future holds. Reframing Organizations provides clear guidance and up-to-date insight for anyone facing the challenges of contemporary leadership.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xv
PART ONE Making Sense of Organizations 1
1 Introduction: The Power of Reframing 3
2 Simple Ideas, Complex Organizations 25
PART TWO The Structural Frame 43
3 Getting Organized 45
4 Structure and Restructuring 71
5 Organizing Groups and Teams 93
PART THREE The Human Resource Frame 113
6 People and Organizations 115
7 Improving Human Resource Management 135
8 Interpersonal and Group Dynamics 157
PART FOUR The Political Frame 179
9 Power, Conflict, and Coalition 181
10 The Manager as Politician 201
11 Organizations as Political Arenas and Political Agents 217
PART F I V E The Symbolic Frame 235
12 Organizational Symbols and Culture 239
13 Culture in Action 265
14 Organization as Theater 279
PART S I X Improving Leadership Practice 295
15 Integrating Frames for Effective Practice 297
16 Reframing in Action: Opportunities and Perils 313
17 Reframing Leadership 325
18 Reframing Change in Organizations 359
19 Reframing Ethics and Spirit 385
20 Bringing It All Together: Change and Leadership in Action 399
Epilogue: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership 419
Appendix: The Best of Organizational Studies 423
Bibliography 427
The Authors 467
Name Index 469
Subject Index 481
Sobre o autor
LEE G. BOLMAN is the Marion Bloch/Missouri Chair in Leadership at the Bloch School of Business and Public Administration at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Widely published on the intersection of leadership and organizations, Bolman is a sought-after consultant for corporations, public agencies, and educational institutions in the United States and around the world.
TERRENCE E. DEAL retired as the Irving R. Melbo Clinical Professor of the University of Southern California’s Rossier School of Education. Having served on the faculty of some of the top U.S. universities, his research into organizations, symbolism, and change informs his work as a consultant to business, health care, military, educational, and religious organizations across the globe.