Lei Delsen was an Associate Professor of Socio-Economic Policy at the Department of Economics at Radboud University, Nijmegen. He retired June, 2018. He has published numerous articles in scientific and professional journals and edited several scientific volumes, covering topics such as social security, labor market economics and welfare economics. His current research interests include work-life balance, retirement from work, choices within pension schemes, responsible investment, and the relationship between globalization and the national welfare states.
4 Ebooks por Lei Delsen
Lei Delsen & Derek Bosworth: Operating Hours and Working Times
The book presents the descriptive findings and analytical results from the recent representative European Union Company survey of Operating hours, Working times and Employment (EUCOWE) in France, Ger …
Lei Delsen & Frank Bauer: Comparative Analyses of Operating Hours and Working Times in the European Union
This volume is the second book based on comparative and comprehensive data from the 2003 representative European Union Company survey of Operating hours, Working times and Employment (EUCOWE) in Fran …
Lei Delsen & Eelke de Jong: German and Dutch Economies
Institutions have both positive and negative effects on economic performance. The theoretical and empirical understanding of the roles played by institutions, norms and culture in the functioning of …
Lei Delsen: Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe
The unconditional basic income (UBI) has attracted renewed attention in academia, as well as in public discussions in recent years, and much has been written on the possible consequences of a UBI. Ho …