Grace has a secret. Just like her aunt, and her grandmother before her, she could fix anyone with a touch, at a cost she never questioned—until her husband developed cancer and died. Believing no one would forgive her for not being able to save him, Grace runs from the life she knew, hoping even God wouldn’t find her in a little out-of-the-way town in Michigan. It takes a very sick man and his little boy to help her face her past, accept who she is and battle her way back to redemption. Just when she and Ted begin to hope for the future, he relapses. Grace faces the ultimate choice once again: Trust God to work through her precious gift, or let a terminally ill man die. What if the price is more than she can pay?
Sobre o autor
Lisa Lickel lives with her husband in the rolling hills of western Wisconsin where she collects dragons and enjoys their grandchil-dren. Besides novels, she writes short stories, magazine articles and radio theater. Lisa is an avid book reviewer, a freelance editor, a writing mentor, blogger, and reviewer. She belongs to the Chicago Writers Association, is vice president of Novel-in-Progress Bookcamp & Writers Retreat, loves to visit with book clubs, and to encourage new writers. Find more information, book extras, and rec-ipes on www.Lisa