The ecopoetry in Five White Swans moves toward healing a broken humanity, restoring the more-than-human family of creatures, and protecting the geology of our earthly home by touching the core of the human heart. This fresh and exuberant ecotheology and ecospirituality reveals that nature holds the gentle power to lead us into wellness and flourishing. In the biology of these insightful lines, readers may discover that their own ultimate happiness comes from a connection with others, with the earth, and with their own spiritual center. This biocentric way of life is what forged our hominin ancestors’ success, and it is time we return to our roots. In this experiential poetry, readers will find life, abundant peace, and the Spirit’s guidance, leading onward to new dimensions of the rich spirituality that nature has offered all along.
Sobre o autor
Lisanne Winslow is professor of biology and theology at the University of Northwestern-St Paul. Through her life work as a marine biologist, theologian, poet, and pastor, Winslow has unsealed a fresh awareness of the Love that Created through the beauty and value of the natural world. Her unique engagement with nature bridges the disciplines of biology, theology, and the arts through poetry, nature prayer walks, meditation, sacred writing, nature photography, and environmental activism.