This book introduces the fundamental quantum physics of atoms and molecules. Divided into three parts, the first provides a historical perspective, which leads to the contemporary view of atomic and molecular physics, outlining the principles of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The second part covers the physical description of atoms and their interaction with radiation, whilst the third part deals with molecular physics.
This is the first volume of a series of three, focusing on a selected set of topics whilst also providing substantial, in-depth coverage of atomic, molecular, solid-state and statistical physics. Emphasis is given to the underlying physical basis or principle for each topic, and pedogogical features include conceptual layout sections that define the goals of each chapter, a simplified but rigorous mathematical apparatus and a thorough discussion of approximations are used to develop the adopted physical models.
Sobre o autor
Luciano Colombo is a professor of theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Cagliari and fellow of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. He has been doing theoretical and computational research on materials physics for more than 30 years, publishing more than 250 scientific papers and leading several research projects.