The Arabic Picture Dictionary from RUMAN is an immersive tool to effectively teach vocabulary in context strategies. The dictionary is a foldout collection of 24 colorfully illustrated posters. Each poster targets a particular subject and is surrounded by images and vocabulary of the basic nouns and verbs that can be found in the poster. In this way the foldout posters picture all the vocabulary words without an accompanying translation or transliteration, allowing the student to learn a language through visualized day to day contexts.
The students will enjoy learning a language while following the characters throughout the posters depicting a story of their daily lives, culture and social environment.
All posters offer quick-look guides to food, colors, numbers, measurements, days of the week, and other fundamental matters of reference.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Arabic alphabet.
2. The family.
3. Emotions and feelings
4. The classroom
5. The School
6. Fruits and vegetables
7. The food
8. The City
9. Transport and Travel
10. The Weather and seasons
11. The Body and appearance
12. The house
13. The Kitchen and garden.
14. The animals
15. The Farm
16. Professions and jobs
17. Hobbies
18. The Clothes
19. Synonyms and contradictions
20. The Daily verbs
21. The Time (Weekdays + Time of the day
22. The numbers +Telling time
23. The colors and shapes
24. Map of the Arab countries