When God, through the Holy Spirit, spoke in my heart to write this book, I hesitated a lot, since I thought that I was not a celebrity for somebody would be interested in my story. It was when I understood that what had happened with me was not my story, but, the manifestation of Gods power, the real proof that He operated in the past and still operating until today. In God there is no change no variation of power, because He still being the same and doesnt need celebrities, but men who arent celebrities to confuse those who are. Yes, to confuse the minds of those who only believe in the logic, in what they can see; touch or obtain.
God chooses us, who formerly were the scoria of the world, abandoned, rejected, despised by men, however, put aside, washed, redeemed and chosen by him, so that , in us his name would be glorified, adored and exalted forever; eternally. Amen! Hallelujah! Glory to God!
There for, I ask you to read this book with an opened heart and with attentive ears, because I believe that God has already started to write a new story in your life.
Do not be centralized in me or in the fact that these miracles happened to me, but, in gods power, since he doesnt have favorite child, and, He is powerful to make in each and every life, infinitely move.
However, for such, its needed to believe, thrust, wait, and never, but, never give up.
Pr.Marcio Oliveira
Sobre o autor
Marcio Oliveira, Brazilian, married to Rozana. Bachelor of the Arts in Theology, and mastering in Pastoral Psychology. His first work was Brazilian, in 2009, a DVD in 2010, and now an English version of his book, ‘I Will Not Give Up.’ Currently lives in the US, more than ten years. Lives in Somerset, MA.