Michele Emmer is a member of the Istituto Veneto di Lettere, Scienze e Arti in Venice, founded by Napoleon. Former Professor of Mathematics at La Sapienza University in Rome (until 2015), since 1997 he has organized the Mathematics and Culture conferences in Venice. He has organized several exhibitions, cooperating with The Biennale of Art of Venice and the Prada Foundation among others. He is a member of the board of the Journal “Leonardo: art, science and technology”, MIT Press, a filmmaker, including a film on M.C. Escher, and author of the series “Art and Math”. He is also editor of the series “Mathematics and Culture” and “Imagine Math” by Springer, as well as the series “The Visual Mind” by MIT Press. His most recent books include “Flatlandia di E. Abbott, with DVD, music by Ennio Morricone, 2008; “Bolle di sapone tra arte e matematica”, Bollati Boringhieri, 2010, which won the best Italian essay award at Viareggio 2010; “Numeri immaginari: cinema e matematica”, Bollati Boringhieri, 2012; “Il mio Harry’s bar”, Archinto ed., 2012; “Imagine Math 3”, Springer, 2013; “Imagine Math 4” Springer, 2015, “Imagine Math 5”, Springer, 2016, “Imagine Math 6”, Springer, 2018; “Racconto matematico: memorie impersonali con divagazioni”, 2019, Bollati Boringhieri.
Marco Abate is a Full Professor of Geometry at the University of Pisa. He has written more than one hundred scientific papers and textbooks, as well as several papers on the popularization of mathematics. His interests include holomorphic dynamics, geometric function theory, differential geometry, writing (comic books and more), photography, origami, and travelling (having already visited Antarctica his next destination is the Moon).
9 Ebooks por Marco Abate
Michele Emmer & Marco Abate: Imagine Math 6
Imagine mathematics, imagine with the help of mathematics, imagine new worlds, new geometries, new forms. Imagine building mathematical models that make it possible to manage our world better, imagin …
Marco Abate: Perché Nobel?
È noto a tutti che i premi Nobel sono il riconoscimento più importante nel mondo in campo scientifico, letterario, economico e sociale. Molti meno ricordano invece chi abbia effettivamente vinto il p …
Marco Abate & John Erik Fornaess: Real Methods in Complex and CR Geometry
The geometry of real submanifolds in complex manifolds and the analysis of their mappings belong to the most advanced streams of contemporary Mathematics. In this area converge the techniques of vari …
Marco Abate & Giorgio Patrizio: Finsler Metrics – A Global Approach
Complex Finsler metrics appear naturally in complex analysis. To develop new tools in this area, the book provides a graduate-level introduction to differential geometry of complex Finsler metrics. A …
Marco Abate & Eric Bedford: Holomorphic Dynamical Systems
The theory of holomorphic dynamical systems is a subject of increasing interest in mathematics, both for its challenging problems and for its connections with other branches of pure and applied mathe …
Michele Emmer & Marco Abate: Imagine Math 7
Imagine mathematics, imagine with the help of mathematics, imagine new worlds, new geometries, new forms. Imagine building mathematical models that make it possible to manage our world better, imagin …
Michele Emmer & Marco Abate: Imagine Math 8
This eighth volume of Imagine Math is different from all the previous ones. The reason is very clear: in the last two years, the world changed, and we still do not know what the world of to …
Marco Abate: Holomorphic Dynamics on Hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces
This completely revised and updated edition of the one variable part of the author’s classic older book ‘Iteration Theory of Holomorphic Maps on Taut Manifolds’ presents the theory of holomorphic dyn …
Marco Abate: Holomorphic Dynamics on Hyperbolic Riemann Surfaces
This completely revised and updated edition of the one variable part of the author’s classic older book "Iteration Theory of Holomorphic Maps on Taut Manifolds" presents the theory of holom …