Marguerite Jalving, is a person with both feet on the ground. With her high heels and elegant style, she stands with her strong temperament, firm in her own opinions. She gives vent to spontaneous anger as well as enthusiasm and sometimes less humble thoughts to the Master, when she thinks, He goes too far. At the same time, she feels the deepest affection and humble surrender for the divine, which is this book’s paradox. You will find the book both humorous and deeply devotional; a picture of a human being’s dialogue with the divine, with its dreams and heavenly visions. Illustrated with the master’s artwork via Jalving.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Publisher’s note
Acknowledgements (for Part One)
Foreword (for Part One)
Dreams and visions
How I came to write my book
Meeting Sai Baba
The drawings
Going to India again
Prasanthi Nilayam
Back to Denmark
A final lesson concerning my cigarettes
A dream some time in 1979
An out-of-the-body experience
The journey to Pondicherry
Selling my shop
A stay in Puttaparthi in 1983
Mine and Baba’s drawings
My exhibition in 1984
A journey to India with obstacles
Another lesson in Puttaparthi
Two dreams in Puttaparthi in 1987
Some quite wonderful experiences
The trip to Sri Lanka
Another stay in Prasanthi
My son
Experiences in the summer of 1992
A vision and a dream in 1993
Baba’s miracles
Yet again in India
In Ramana Maharshi’s ashram
With Baba in Kodaikanal
Home again
Ego & temperament
Thanks (for Part Two)
Introduction (for Part Two)
Master and pupil
My son disappeared
A joyful day in January 1994
Dreams and visions in 1994
Some strange phone calls in 1994
I am waiting
Back in India
Back home
Yet another phone call
Two dreams in November 1994
A funny experience
In Baba’s divine home
My heavenly and earthly guide
Message from Cosmos
I don’t bother
Once again some strange phone calls
Yet another dream with a message from Baba
A couple of strange incidents
A new phone call on 30 May, 1995
The pencils
Back to India in 1995
A divine experience
Home for Christmas
Back to my writing
At the dental school in April, 1996
Visions, dreams and miracles
The trip to Mahabalipuram in 1998
Some dreams in 1998
Dream in September, 1998
Christmas in 1998 in Prasanthi Nilayam
An Indian wedding
In Benares in 1999
On a houseboat in Kashmir
Some strange events
Year 2000
All religions lead to the same god
Ayurveda treatment
A heady scent
A vision on 18 February, 2000
My Indian home
Illustration index