Five million people travel through the São Paulo subway every day. So do an infinite number of tormented souls.
Under the eyes of her children, the mother collapses on the tracks of the Trianon-Masp station. What would have been a suspected suicide takes on unusual twists when a paranormal investigator identifies a confused, frightened witness with memory problems. She assures him that something — a ‘shadow’ — had pushed the woman to death.
Sobre o autor
Mário Bentes is the author of the epic ‘A terra por onde caminho’ (2013/2024), semifinalist for the ABERST Award, Long-format Narrative of the 21st Century (2024); ‘Minhas conversas com o diabo’ (2016); ‘EXO’ (2018); ‘Noite de Festa’, a retelling of Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’; ‘O vão entre o trem e a plataforma’ (2023), second Best Digital Short Story of the Ecos da Literatura Award (2023); ‘Arranha-céu’ (2024). Semifinalist for the 2020 ABERST Award, with the short story ‘A volta de Max Headroom’. Editor-in-chief at Lendari® Entertainment.