Dr. Mariusz Rosik is Professsor for New Testament Exegesis, Biblical Environment and Jewish History at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology and at the University of Wrocław, Poland.
7 Ebooks por Mariusz Rosik
Kalina Wojciechowska & Mariusz Rosik: A Structural Commentary on the So-Called Antilegomena
Most commentators view the Epistle of Jude as a parenetic text. The commentary ‘Expecting for the Mercy’ highlights its soteriological and Christological contents. This has been possible by taking a …
Mark S. Kinzer & Thomas Schumacher: Jesus – der Messias Israels?
Messianische Juden und christliche Theologie Der Band zeigt die Pluriformität des messianischen Judentums und behandelt christologische, ekklesiologische und eschatologische Fragen: Was bedeutet die …
Roman Mazur & Roman Bogacz: A Complete Concordance to the Greek Bible
A Complete Concordance to the Greek Bible is very extensive, therefore it was published in pdf-format which greatly facilitates the search for specific words or phrases. All the words are ordered acc …
Roman Mazur & Roman Bogacz: Analytical Lexicon of the Greek Bible
The basic forms of the Greek Bible put in alphabetical order create the lexicon’s entries. Every entry has its English translation along with the number of occurrences of the Greek term in the Septua …
Kalina Wojciechowska & Mariusz Rosik: A Structural Commentary on the So-Called Antilegomena
The structural approach facilitates exposure of the elements of eschatological teaching characteristic of 2 Peter’s author with its correct or incorrect interpretation. Narratives drawn from Jewish t …
Kalina Wojciechowska & Mariusz Rosik: A Structural Commentary on the So-Called Antilegomena
The structural approach facilitates exposure of the elements of eschatological teaching characteristic of 2 Peter’s author with its correct or incorrect interpretation. Narratives drawn from Jewish t …