Philosophical Tales
‘A lover of philosophical ideas and practiced debunker of intellectual sham, Martin Cohen knocks some thirty important philosophers from Socrates to Derrida off their pedestals, and presents in a series of philosophical tales various aspects of their thought, life and personality which few of us ever suspected.’
Zenon Stavrinides, University of Bradford
Tabela de Conteúdo
How to Use this Book.
Philosophical Illustrations.
The Tales.
I The Ancients.
1 Socrates the Sorcerer (469-399 bce).
2 The Different Forms of Plato (ca. 427-347 bce).
3 Aristotle the Aristocrat (384-ca. 322 bce).
II More Ancients.
4 Lao Tzu Changes into Nothing (6th-5th c. bce).
5 Pythagoras Counts Up to Ten (ca. 570-495 bce).
6 Heraclitus Chooses the Dark Side of the River (ca. 5th c.
7 Hypatia Holds Up Half of the Sky (ca. 370-415 ce).
III Medieval Philosophy.
8 Augustine the Hippocrite (354-430 ce).
9 St. Thomas Aquinas Disputes the Existence of God
IV Modern Philosophy.
10 Descartes the Dilettante (1596-1650).
11 Hobbes Squares the Circle (1588-1679).
12 Spinoza Grinds Himself Away… (1632-1677).
V Enlightened Philosophy.
13 John Locke Invents the Slave Trade (1632-1704).
14 The Many Faces of David Hume (1711-1776).
15 Rousseau the Rogue (1712-1778).
16 Immanuel Kant, the Chinaman of Königsburg
VI The Idealists.
17 Gottfried Leibniz, the Thinking Machine
18 Bishop Berkeley’s Bermuda College
19 Headmaster Hegel’s Dangerous History Lesson
20 Arthur Schopenhauer and the Little Old Lady
VII The Romantics.
21 The Seduction of Søren Kierkegaard
22 Mill’s Poetical Turn (1806-1873).
23 Henry Thoreau and Life in the Shed (1817-1862).
24 Marx’s Revolutionary Materialism (1818-1883).
VIII Recent Philosophy.
25 Russell Denotes Something (1872-1970).
26 The Ripping Yarn of Ludwig Wittgenstein
27 Heidegger’s Tale (and the Nazis) (1889-1976).
28 Benjamin Lee Whorf and the Color Pinker (ca.
29 Being Sartre and Not Definitely Not Being Beauvoir
(1905-1980 and not 1908-1986).
30 Deconstructing Derrida (1930-2004).
Scholarly Appendix: Women in Philosophy, and Why There
Aren’t Many.
Key Sources and Further Reading.
Sobre o autor
Martin Cohen is a teacher and writer specializing in philosophy, ethics and education, with a special interest in computing. His books include 101 Philosophy Problems (2nd edn., 2001), Political Philosophy (2001), 101 Ethical Dilemmas (2003), and Wittgenstein’s Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments (Blackwell, 2005). He has been editor of The Philosopher since 1995.