The overall goal of the research in this book was to understand gang phenomenon in the United States. In order to accomplish this goal, the author investigated gangs in different cities in order to understand what was similar in the way all gangs behaved and what was idiosyncratic to certain gangs. The research for this book took place over ten years and five months from 1978 to 1989 and will give the reader a comprehensive overview of gang behavior in the United States in that time period.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. A Theory of Gang Behavior and Persistence
Part One: The Gang and Its Environment
2. Gang Involvement
3. In the Organization
4· Gang Business: Making Ends Meet
5. The Anatomy of Gang Violence
6. The Gang and the Community
Part Two: The Gang and the Outside World
7. Gangs and Governments
8. Gangs, Criminal Justice, and Public Order
9· The Media and Gangs: Image Construction and Myth
Appendix: Summary of Gangs Studied
Sobre o autor
Martín Sánchez Jankowski is Associate Professor of Sociology and Chair of the Chicano/Latino Policy Project Institute for the Study of Social Change at the University of California, Berkeley.