With its use of multiple variables, functions, and formulas algebracan be confusing and overwhelming to learn and easy to forget.Perfect for students who need to review or reference criticalconcepts, Algebra I Essentials For Dummies provides contentfocused on key topics only, with discrete explanations of criticalconcepts taught in a typical Algebra I course, from functions and FOILs to quadratic and linear equations. This guide is also aperfect reference for parents who need to review critical algebraconcepts as they help students with homework assignments, as wellas for adult learners headed back into the classroom who just needa refresher of the core concepts.
The Essentials For Dummies Series
Dummies is proud to present our new series, The Essentials For Dummies. Now students who are prepping for exams, preparing tostudy new material, or who just need a refresher can have aconcise, easy-to-understand review guide that covers an entirecourse by concentrating solely on the most important concepts. Fromalgebra and chemistry to grammar and Spanish, our expert authorsfocus on the skills students most need to succeed in asubject.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Setting the Scene for Actions in Algebra 5
Chapter 2: Examining Powers and Roots 17
Chapter 3: Ordering and Distributing: The Business of Algebra 25
Chapter 4: Factoring in the First and Second Degrees 33
Chapter 5: Broadening the Factoring Horizon 45
Chapter 6: Solving Linear Equations 57
Chapter 7: Tackling Second-Degree Quadratic Equations 73
Chapter 8: Expanding the Equation Horizon 89
Chapter 9: Reconciling Inequalities 105
Chapter 10: Absolute-Value Equations and Inequalities 119
Chapter 11: Making Algebra Tell a Story 125
Chapter 12: Putting Geometry into Story Problems 137
Chapter 13: Grappling with Graphing 147
Chapter 14: Ten Warning Signs of Algebraic Pitfalls 163
Index 167
Sobre o autor
Mary Jane Sterling is professor ofmathematics at Bradley University.She is the author of many booksincluding Algebra I For Dummies, 2nd Edition and Algebra Workbook For Dummies.