Thank you for taking the time to purchase my book. Your support is greatly appreciated. Building ‘Me’ back: Brick by Brick brings awareness to addiction through my life experiences and help others determine which step you will take in your recovery process. Knowing that relapse was a part of my story but does not have to be a part of yours. This is a memoir realizing that through external pressures and self-induced internal pressures Mattie’s foundation had been broken and needed ...
Thank you for taking the time to purchase my book. Your support is greatly appreciated. Building ‘Me’ back: Brick by Brick brings awareness to addiction through my life experiences and help others determine which step you will take in your recovery process. Knowing that relapse was a part of my story but does not have to be a part of yours. This is a memoir realizing that through external pressures and self-induced internal pressures Mattie’s foundation had been broken and needed to be rebuilt which wasn’t an easy task. Life on life terms happen and she learned that you have to go through them and not hide behind drugs, pills, alcohol and sex. Building ‘Me’ back: Brick by Brick is a story of a woman creating a deep crack in her foundation through the trials of life – the abstinence from drug use she never wanted to have. In rebuilding one brick at a time, she found out the foundation crack was traced back to her childhood past long before she ever decided to pick up the first drug. Mattie makes it clear that the attraction for drugs cost her so many things: car, money and nearly her house and life. The book will show you mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally how to and how not to deal with your addiction. How stressors are a part of life that must be dealt with head on, and not to run from them. Mattie learned the topic of addiction having worked through the fight of getting clean herself from various mood-altering substances. This included street drugs as well as medication prescribed by a doctor and alcohol. This information will help others addicts who struggle and feel recovery is not possible. Your recovery is your responsibility and takes a dedicated effort to be successful. In writing Building ‘Me’ back: Brick by Brick it has helped her define the addictive behavior in her own life and pinpoint when the disease of addiction first manifested in her life and how to press through the obstacles that caused her to use. The earlier you pinpoint when your addiction started you are well on your way to healing through recovery. Through the lens of her own gripping story of addiction – Mattie shows that addiction is full of character defects that can span a lifetime of work to heal. But it can be accomplished with the 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous. As the bricklayer need his trowel and mortar so does an addict need new tools to build this foundation all over again. Such tools as: Spiritual Principles, Sponsorship and other members life, hopes, and experiences heard at Narcotics Anonymous meetings. What has also helped her in her recovery is getting into a type of psychotherapy in which negative patterns of thought about the self and the world are challenged in order to alter unwanted behavior patterns or treat mood disorders such as her depression, and anxiety. Mattie ultimately realized that God allowed the stressors in her life to bless her and to reveal her weakness. She is grateful for the pressures that have pressed her closer to Him and caused her to allow God to be her strength. Through a realization down deep in her soul that her life had purpose to provide a powerful dynamic for blessing the lives of others.