Set in the times of the industrial revolution, east of Glasgow, in the border town of Coatbridge, we follow the trials of Isabel Wishaw, from childish adventures to a traumatized desperate young women.
The central character in the story and daughter of Peter Wishaw, an ailing miner: Alice her home proud mother, and Jamie her brother who had recently joined his father to be discontented in the mine. Their living to exist circumstances: journey thru rent evasion, mining accident, kidnapping and deceit, and eventually good fortune, leads them to immigrate to their uncles former farm in Ireland; all for the sake of Peter, who has the onset of consumption. In an idyllic period the children enjoy their youth. Within a few years, times become harder when rumors spread of a potato blight in the north. In an attempt to escape the turmoil, Alice sees her daughters rebuff to the local squire as unacceptable, as she envisidged her marrying him to be the only way out of depravation and increasing poverty. Unknowing to her father and mother, Isabel escapes one night, out from the pressures of unrequited love and a mistrust of men. Mounted on her beloved horse Beth, only telling Jamie of her plan she seeks a solution to all her misgivings. Sad findings at her aunts farm result in further escapades; troubles and plans array to fulfill an intriguing tale of mystery and dispare, a tale believed by mystics, and a truth for some unbelievers
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A first novel Extended from one of 300 poems and verses, which were inspired to write several years ago.
A fan of classic Hollywood films, script, storylines, and lover of the countryside
Composer and artist, who lives in the north east of England in the coastal town of South Shields.