Autor: Michael C. Mackey

Michael C. Mackey is a mathematically trained physiologist from Mc Gill University in Montréal who has spent his entire career working in mathematical biology.  He has extensive experience in the modeling and analysis of biologically motivated mathematical models and their use to illuminate biological functioning.  Moisés Santillán is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Physics at the Monterrey Campus of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the IPN (Cinvestav), in México. He has BSc, MSc, and Ph D degrees in physics, but most of his career has been devoted to tackling biological problems with tools from physics and mathematics.  Marta Tyran-Kaminska is a faculty member of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. Her mathematical research has been in dynamical systems and stochastic processes.  Eduardo Santillan Zeron is a mathematician working at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) of the IPN in México City, México. His Doctoral Thesis was on the area of general topology and his research interests are: several complex variables, probability and theoretical biology.

9 Ebooks por Michael C. Mackey

Michael C. Mackey & Moisés Santillán: Simple Mathematical Models of Gene Regulatory Dynamics
This is a short and self-contained introduction to the field of mathematical modeling of gene-networks in bacteria. As an entry point to the field, we focus on the analysis of simple gene-network dyn …
Karl Peter Hadeler: Topics in Mathematical Biology
This book analyzes the impact of quiescent phases on biological models. Quiescence arises, for example, when moving individuals stop moving, hunting predators take a rest, infected individuals a …
Anne Beuter & Leon Glass: Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine
Je tiens impossible de connaitre les parties sans connaitre le tout, non plus que de connaitre le tout sans connaitre particulierement les parties -Pascal The eterna[ mystery of the world is its comp …
Andrzej Lasota & Michael C. Mackey: Chaos, Fractals, and Noise
The first edition of this book was originally published in 1985 under the ti- tle "Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems. " In the intervening years, interest in so-called &quot …
Uwe an der Heiden & Michael C. Mackey: Temporal Disorder in Human Oscillatory Systems
Rhythms of the heart and of the nervous and endocrine system, breathing, locomotory movements, sleep, circadian rhythms and tissue cell cycles are major elements of the temporal order of man. The dyn …
Michael C. Mackey: Time’s Arrow
Written by a well-known professor of physiology at Mc Gill University, this text presents an informative exploration of the basis of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, detailing the fundamental dynami …
Michael C. Mackey: Time’s Arrow: The Origins of Thermodynamic Behavior
The Second Law of Thermodynamics has been called the most important law of nature: It is the law that gives a direction to processes that is not inherent in the laws of motion, that says the state of …
Leon Glass & Michael C. Mackey: From Clocks to Chaos
In an important new contribution to the literature of chaos, two distinguished researchers in the field of physiology probe central theoretical questions about physiological rhythms. Topics discussed …
Jérôme Losson & Michael C. Mackey: Density Evolution Under Delayed Dynamics
This monograph has arisen out of a number of attempts spanning almost five decades to understand how one might examine the evolution of densities in systems whose dynamics are described by differenti …