Globalizing Interests is an innovative study of globalization ‘from inside, ‘ looking at the reaction of nationally constituted interest groups to challenges produced by the denationalization process. The contributors focus on business associations, trade unions, civil rights organizations, and right-wing populists from Canada, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States, and examine how they have responded to three extremely globalized issue areas: the Internet, migration, and climate change. What they find is that ‘the politics of denationalization’ is a new game with new rules, new teams, and surprisingly broad support for governance beyond the nation state.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Globalizing Interests – An Introduction
Michael Zürn
On Globalisation: Broad Definitions, Methodological Nationalism and Structural Shortcuts
From Interdependence to Globalisation and Denationalisation
Avoiding Methodological Nationalism: Societal Responses to Denationalization
Avoiding Structural Shortcuts: Conceptual Framework and Cases
Hypotheses and Findings
Instead of a Conclusion: Towards Governance in a Post-National Polity?
2. Conceptual Considerations: Analytical Framework, Design and Methology
Gregor Walter, Marianne Beisheim, Sabine Dreher
Unit of Analysis and Case Selection: Governance Challenges
Country Selection: Germany, Canada, Great Britain and the US
Group Selection: A matrix of political cleavages
Dependent Variable: Group Responses to Governance Challenges
Methodology and Coding: Qualitative and quantitative approaches
Independent Variables: Towards Hypotheses on Group Responses
3. Internet Politics: Responses to Illegal Content and Cryptography in Germany and Canada
Gregor Walter
Illegal Content on the Internet
Cases, Patterns and their Explanation: Some Hypotheses
4. Citizenship and Migration in Germany and the United States
Sabine Dreher
Introduction to the Case Studies and Group Selection
Labor Migration and Social Standards in Germany and the United States
Political Asylum in Germany and the United States after the Cold War
Towards an Explanation of Societal Responses
5. Politics from Above or Below? Climate Politics in Germany and Great Britain
Marianne Beisheim
Introduction: Governance Challenge, Policy Cycles, and Group Selection
Responses of Political Groups to Climate Change
Explaining Political Group’s Responses to Climate ChangeSome Hypotheses
Discussion: Politics From Above or Below?
6. Conclusions: The Politics of Denationalization
Gregor Walter, Michael Zürn
Politics as Usual
Beyond the “usual”
An Ideal Type of Politics of Denationalisation
Hypothesising the Politics of Denationalisation
Summary and Outlook
Technical Appendix
Sobre o autor
At the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin,
Michael Zürn is Founding Dean and Gregor Walter is Head of Curriculum Development. Zürn is also Director at the Science Center Berlin and the coeditor (with Christian Joerges) of
Law and Governance in Postnational Europe: Compliance beyond the Nation-State.