Tabela de Conteúdo
Keynote Lectures.- Some Characteristics of Non-Reacting and Reacting Low Swirl Number Jets.- Inner-Outer Interactions in Wall-Bounded Turbulence.- Turbulence Interaction with Atmospheric Physical Processes.- LES of Pulsating Turbulent Flows over Smooth and Wavy Boundaries.- Numerical Study of Turbulence–Wave Interaction.- High Reynolds Number Wall-Bounded Turbulence and a Proposal for a New Eddy-Based Model.- Regular Papers.- PANS Methodology Applied to Elliptic-Relaxation Based Eddy Viscosity Transport Model.- PIV Study of Turbulent Flow in Porous Media.- A Model for Dissipation: Cascade SDE with Markov Regime-Switching and Dirichlet Prior.- Wavelet Analysis of the Turbulent LES Data of the Lid-Driven Cavity Flow.- A Two-Phase LES Compressible Model for Plasma-Liquid Jet Interaction.- Simulation of a Fluidized Bed Using a Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Method for Particle Tracking.- Wavelet-Adapted Sub-grid Scale Models for LES.- Effect of Particle-Particle Collisions on the Spatial Distribution of Inertial Particles Suspended in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulent Flows.- Effect of Near-Wall Componental Modification of Turbulence on Its Statistical Properties.- Large-Eddy Simulation of Transonic Buffet over a Supercritical Airfoil.- Large Eddy Simulation of Coherent Structures over Forest Canopy.- Toroidal/Poloidal Modes Dynamics in Anisotropic Turbulence.- Grid Filter Modeling for Large-Eddy Simulation.- Pulsating Flow through Porous Media.- Thermodynamic Fluctuations Behaviour during a Sheared Turbulence/Shock Interaction.- LES and DES Study of Fluid-Particle Dynamics in a Human Mouth-Throat Geometry.- Viscous Drag Reduction with Surface-Embedded Grooves.- Study on the Resolution Requirements for DNS in Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection.- On the Role of Coherent Structures in a Lid Driven Cavity Flow.- Local versus Nonlocal Processes in Turbulent Flows, Kinematic Coupling and General Stochastic Processes.- Time-Resolved 3D Simulation of an Aircraft Wing with Deployed High-Lift System.- Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer in a Channel with Spherical and Oval Dimples.- Investigation of the Flow around a Cylinder Plate Configuration with Respect to Aerodynamic Noise Generation Mechanisms.- LES of the Flow around Ahmed Body with Active Flow Control.- Enhanced Bubble Migration in Turbulent Channel Flow by an Acceleration-Dependent Drag Coefficient.- Experimental and Numerical Study of Unsteadiness in Boundary Layer / Shock Wave Interaction.- Measurement of Particle Accelerations with the Laser Doppler Technique.- A Novel Numerical Method for Turbulent, Two-Phase Flow.- Modeling of High Reynolds Number Flows with Solid Body Rotation or Magnetic Fields.- Direct Numerical Simulation of Buoyancy Driven Turbulence inside a Cubic Cavity.- Numerical Simulations of a Massively Separated Reactive Flow Using a DDES Approach for Turbulence Modelling.- Particle Dispersion in Large-Eddy Simulations: Influence of Reynolds Number and of Subgrid Velocity Deconvolution.- Use of Lagrangian Statistics for the Direct Analysis of the Turbulent Constitutive Equation.- Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Jet Noise with Overset Grid Techniques.- Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Jet Flow in Gas Turbine Combustors.- Computations of the Flow around a Wind Turbine: Grid Sensitivity Study and the Influence of Inlet Conditions.- Stochastic Synchronization of the Wall Turbulence.- Large-Eddy Simulations of an Oblique Shock Impinging on a Turbulent Boundary Layer: Effect of the Spanwise Confinement on the Low-Frequency Oscillations.- Parameter-Free Symmetry-Preserving Regularization Modelling of Turbulent Natural Convection Flows.- An a Priori Study for the Modeling of Subgrid Terms in Multiphase Flows.- Computation of Flow in a 3D Diffuser Using a Two-Velocity Field Hybrid RANS/LES.- On the Dynamics of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Axisymmetric and Plane Separating/Reattaching Flows.- Numerical Simulation and Statistical Modeling of Inertial Droplet Coalescence in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence.- Gas-Phase Mixing in Droplet Arrays.