Packed full of helpful strategies and information, ‘I’m Positive!’ is your guide to creating an energized, healthy life.
I’m Positive! helps you let go of unhelpful thought processes, emotional hurts, and outdated beliefs so you feel confident, optimistic, and in control of your choices.
This book shows you how to steer your life in the right direction. Program your mind so that positive thoughts and feelings are your natural default.
The author provides access to free downloadable resources for readers of I’m Positive!
Tabela de Conteúdo
The Mind-Body Connection
Red Flags That Signal Unhealthy Thinking
The ART of Positive Thinking
Emotions and Thoughts – The Chicken and Egg Mystery
Who Is Driving Your Bus?
Become Your Own Coach
Make It Your Choice
Release Judgment
Stay Present
Gratitude Is The Attitude
Assess Values And Beliefs
Steer Towards Happiness
A Little Help with Letting Go
Find Your Voice
Releasing Anxiety
The G.R.A.C.E Process For Releasing Anxiety
Super-Charge Your Brain Training
The Power of Mental Rehearsal
Train With Tapping
Facing The Mirror
The Inner Control Room
A Final Word
Case Study: Judy’s Story
Further Reading
Meet the Author
Other books, products, and programs by Michelle Robinson
Sobre o autor
Michelle is a qualified teacher, counselor, and clinical hypnotherapist. Her book, ‘I’m Positive! Program Your Thoughts and Feelings to Create a Positive Life’ is the culmination of twenty years of experience helping clients re-train their minds to create positive, enriched lives. The strategies in this book have assisted hundreds of clients who faced self-sabotage, emotional distress, ‘feeling stuck’, and anxiety, to let go of old thought patterns and take control of their lives.
and is the founder and Principal of the Academy of Spiritual Practice.