The Board Member’s Playbook–written for board members who
are either familiar with or new to John Carver’s revolutionary
Policy Governance model–offers real-world scenarios that address
the challenges that confront boards of all types of organizations.
Step by step, the authors walk readers through a proven
problem-solving sequence that allows them to find solutions
consistent with the values and policies of their organizations.
Designed to be flexible, the book’s problem-solving methods are
applicable to any challenge boards may face.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Rehearsal Scenarios ix
Foreword xi
John Carver
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xix
The Authors xxi
Part 1 The Need for Board Rehearsal 1
1 Board Rehearsal: Why? 3
2 Board Rehearsal: How? 9
Part 2 Rehearsal Scenarios 21
3 Rehearsal Scenarios: Board Interactions with the CEO or Staff 23
4 Rehearsal Scenarios: Board Member Interactions with the CEO or Staff 105
5 Rehearsal Scenarios: The Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members 143
6 Rehearsal Scenarios: The Board’s Job as a Team 189
Resources 231
1 The Policy Governance Model 233
2 Rehearsal Worksheet 251
3 A Sample Board Policy Manual 255
4 Further Reading 279
How to Use the Accompanying CD-ROM 281
Sobre o autor
Miriam Carver is an international Policy Governance consultant,
presenter, and trainer. She is the co-teacher with John Carver of
the Policy Governance Academy, in which consultants become expert
in the Policy Governance model. Carver is the coauthor of
Reinventing Your Board and of four booklets in the Carver Guide
Bill Charney is a consultant and speaker in board governance and
leadership, trained in the Policy Governance Academy. Charney helps
boards elevate effectiveness and accountability using the Policy
Governance model of board leadership.