This book contains a collection of peer-reviewed papers from the 2020 Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering and Technology (COMET 2020) held online on December 15–16, 2020. It contains twenty-five papers covering energy harvester, thermodynamics, vibration, dynamic of mechanics, manufacturing process, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), CFD analysis, electronics, and microcontroller.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Brake Squeal Analysis and Optimization using the Finite Element Method and Taguchi Techniques.- 2. Potential Experimental Analysis of Electrical Discharge Machine Process Parameters on Stainless Steel ANSI 304.- 3. Embedded System Using a PIC Microcontroller for Series Motor Four Quadrants Drive DC Chopper Controllers for the Application in Electrical Vehicles.- 4. Pre-Weld Heating Temperature Effect on the Welding Quality of a 100T Truck Crack Frame – Case study.- 5. Features Extraction from a Second Order Black Box Model Matched to the Veltink Model for a System Identification of Knee Extension for Control law and Formulations of Close Loop Controller Rehabilitation Using Functional Electrical Stimulation.
Sobre o autor
Muhamad Husaini Abu Bakar is a Director for System engineering and Energy Laboratory and at the Universiti Kuala Lumpur – Malaysian Spanish Institute, Malaysia and Head of Research and Innovation Section at the same university. His research activities were recognized by the innovation award of PECIPTA, IIDEX, ICOMPEX, I-ENVEX and MARA due to his innovative invention in smart material and smart monitoring system.
Muhammad Al-Hapis Abdul Razak is a senior lecturer and Head of Industrial Linkages Section at Universiti Kuala Lumpur – Malaysian Spanish Institute, Malaysia. He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph D) in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. He is an active researcher and supervising postgraduate research students mainly in manufacturing industry and technology field. His works has been published in multiple reputable journals, books and conference proceedings and received awards from various innovation competition such as MARATex, ITEX, i-COMPEX and MTE.
Andreas Öchsner is a Full Professor of Lightweight Design and Structural Simulation at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany. After completing his Dipl.-Ing. degree in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart (1997), he served as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg from 1997 to 2003 while pursuing his Doctor of Engineering Sciences (Dr.-Ing.) degree. From 2003 to 2006, he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Cellular Metals Group affiliated with the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He spent seven years (2007–2013) as a Full Professor at the Department of Applied Mechanics, Technical University of Malaysia, where he was also Head of the Advanced Materials and Structure Lab. From 2014 to 2017 he was a Full Professor at the School of Engineering, Griffith University, Australia and Leader of the Mechanical Engineering Program (Head of Discipline and Program Director).