This accessible practice-building reference establishes a clear social justice lens for providing culturally-responsive and ethical multicultural counseling for all clients. Rooted in the principles of Culture-Infused Counseling, the book’s practical framework spotlights the evolving therapeutic relationship and diverse approaches to working with clients’ personal and relational challenges, including at the community and system levels. Case studies illustrate interventions with clients across various identities from race, gender, and class to immigration status, sexuality, spirituality, and body size, emphasizing the importance of viewing client’s presenting concerns within the contexts of their lives. Chapters also model counselor self-awareness so readers can assess their strengths, identify their hidden assumptions, and evolve past basic cultural sensitivity to actively infusing social justice as an ethical stance in professional practice.
Included inthe chapters:
· Culture-infused counseling, emphasizing context, identities, and social justice
· Decolonizing and indigenous approaches
· Social class awareness
· Intersectionality of identities
· Clients’ spiritual and religious beliefs
· Weight bias as a social justice issue
· Culturally responsive and socially just engagement in counselling women
· Life-making in therapeutic work with transgender clients
· Socially-just counseling for refugees
· Multi-level systems approaches to interventions
Counseling in Cultural Contexts is geared toward a student/training audience, practicing professionals will also find the case study format of the book to be informative and stimulating.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Part I: Foundational Concepts for Counselling in Cultural Contexts.- Infusing Culture and Social justice in Ethical Practices With All Clients.- Culture-Infused Counselling: Context, Identities, and Social Justice.- Part II: Culture-Infused Counselling: Case Studies of Contexts, Identities, and Social Justice.- Go Back to Your Trailer: Essential Social Class Awareness for Counsellors.- Fragmented Faith and the Rediscovery of God: A Feminist Perspective.- Culturally Responsive and Socially Just Engagement: An Emergent and Ongoing Process in Counselling Women.- The Weight of the World in her Hands.- Stephen’s Story: A Culture-Infused Perspective of Life-Making in Therapeutic Work With Transgender Clients.-Therapy as Ceremony: Decolonizing & Indigenizing Our Practice.- Intersections of Gender and Refugee Experience: Through Azra’s Eyes.- Using a Feminist-Multicultural Lens when Counselling Adolescent Females:Intersecting Cultural Identities and Multiple Social Locations.- The Relevance of Spirituality to Cultural Identity Reconstruction for African Caribbean Immigrant Women.- Intersectionality and International Student Identities in Transition.- Indigenizing and Decolonizing Therapeutic Responses to Trauma-related Dissociation.- Thinking Outside the Box: Integrating Culture, Identity, Academia, and Career/Life Planning with Aboriginal Women.- Prelude to the International Year of Mercy: Socially Just Counselling for Refugees.- Refugee-Serving Multicultural Therapy Practicum: An Example of a Culture-Infused, Service-Based Training Program.- Culture-Infused Counselling: Moving Forward with Applied Activism and Advocacy
Sobre o autor
Dr. Nancy Arthur is a Professor and former Canada Research Chair, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Arthur has written extensively in the field of multicultural counselling and co-developed the model of Culture-Infused Counselling, also adapted for use in career counselling. Dr. Arthur is a registered psychologist and elected Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association and currently serves as Vice-President of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Dr. Arthur’s research interests focus on professional education for diversity and social justice, and international learning and employment transitions.