Essay aus dem Jahr 2024 im Fachbereich Amerikanistik – Literatur, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In fact ecocriticism being a new term in literary science has made the beginning of new dawn and it can be associated with any subject as ecocriticism means to find out the relationship between literature and environment. In this case literature as subject as a whole engulfs everything. If we talk in terms of ecology, literature, economics, politics, science, history, geography, geology...
Essay aus dem Jahr 2024 im Fachbereich Amerikanistik – Literatur, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In fact ecocriticism being a new term in literary science has made the beginning of new dawn and it can be associated with any subject as ecocriticism means to find out the relationship between literature and environment. In this case literature as subject as a whole engulfs everything. If we talk in terms of ecology, literature, economics, politics, science, history, geography, geology, etc., in fact all do form the part of literature. Everything is connected to everything else, hence ecocriticism should not be termed with literature only because the term ecocriticism shares its basic entity with all ecological aspects dealt in the physical environment. In this respect poets have written a lot from time to time to show their concern towards the ecological issues.
Dickinson and Frost were living in the era of transition when the influence of scientific goods was becoming a craze. People were abandoning the rural areas and urbanity was given precedence. The feelings and the scenario of change has been depicted by Emily Dickinson, Frost and other to show their collaborative responsibility to highlight the environmental issues.