The expert guide to the major issues, the chief trends, and the most effective models for nurturing creativity!
Recognizing, assessing, and nurturing creativity continue to be dynamic, evolving topics in gifted education. The articles in Creativity and Giftedness offer over 20 years of research, insight, and practical applications designed to pique the interest of gifted students and inspire them to reach their full potential.
Key features include:
- A rich portrait of the origins, current state, and future of the field of creativity from Donald J. Treffinger, Director of the Center for Creative Learning
- Examples and practical suggestions for putting research findings to use
- Sixteen influential articles from pioneers in creativity as well as from current leaders in the field
The readings in this ready-reference debunk the many misconceptions about the connection between creativity and giftedness, and lend clarity to the most critical issues in this often nebulous area of gifted research.
The ERGE Series:
The National Association for Gifted Children series Essential Readings in Gifted Education is a 12-volume collection of seminal articles from Gifted Child Quarterly. Put the knowledge and power of more than 25 years of research on giftedness and talent into your hands with the leading theories, studies, and findings the experts in the field have to offer.
Tabela de Conteúdo
About the Editors
Series Introduction – Sally M. Reis
Introduction to Creativity and Giftedness – Donald J. Treffinger
1. SES Synectics and Gifted Education Today – W. J. J. Gordon, T. Poze
2. Lessons About Giftedness and Creativity From a Nation of 115 Million Overachievers – E. Paul Torrance
3. The Use of Developmental Stage Theory in Helping Gifted Children Become Creative – John Curtis Gowan
4. Predicting the Creativity of Elementary School Children (1958-80) – and the Teacher Who ‘Made a Difference’ – E. Paul Torrance
5. Personal Creative Thinking Techniques – Gary A. Davis
6. Facilitating Lifetime Creative Processes – A Think Piece – Calvin W. Taylor, Diane Sacks
7. Myth: Creativity Is Too Difficult To Measure – Joe Khatena
8. Developing Creative Excellence in Students: The Neglected History-Making Ingredient Which Would Keep Our Nation From Being at Risk – Calvin W. Taylor
9. The Role of Creativity in Identification of the Gifted and Talented – E. Paul Torrance
10. Research on Creativity – Donald J. Treffinger
11. Objectives and Activities for Teaching Creative Thinking – Gary A. Davis
12. Creative Productivity Among Secondary School Students: Combining Energy, Interest, and Imagination – Marcia A. B. Delcourt
13. Effects of a Creative Problem-Solving Curriculum on Students of Varying Ability Levels – Gina D. Schack
14. Creative Giftedness: A Multivariate Investment Approach – Robert J. Sternberg and Todd I. Lubart
15. Divergent Thinking, Creativity, and Giftedness – Mark A. Runco
16. Creativity and Giftedness: Published Instrument Uses and Abuses – Scott L. Hunsaker, Carolyn M. Callahan
Sobre o autor
Sally M. Reis is a professor and the department head of the Educational Psychology Department at the University of Connecticut where she also serves as principal investigator of the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. She was a teacher for 15 years, 11 of which were spent working with gifted students on the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. She has authored more than 130 articles, 9 books, 40 book chapters, and numerous monographs and technical reports. Her research interests are related to special populations of gifted and tal-ented students, including: students with learning disabilities, gifted females and diverse groups of talented students. She is also interested in extensions of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for both gifted and talented students and as a way to expand offerings and provide general enrichment to identify talents and potentials in students who have not been previously identified as gifted. She has traveled extensively conducting workshops and providing profes-sional development for school districts on gifted education, enrichment programs, and talent development programs. She is co-author of The Schoolwide Enrichment Model, The Secondary Triad Model, Dilemmas in Talent Development in the Middle Years, and a book published in 1998 about women’s talent development titled Work Left Undone: Choices and Compromises of Talented Females. Sally serves on several editorial boards, including the Gifted Child Quarterly, and is a past president of the National Association for Gifted Children.