This Dictionary offers points of entry into Derrida’s complex and extensive works.
* This Dictionary offers points of entry into Derrida’s complex and extensive works.
* From ‘aporia’ to ‘yes’, the Dictionary suggests ways into Derrida that show what is at stake in his work.
* Demonstrates that Derrida is not just about philosophy, but also about politics and pop music.
* Explains why deconstruction matters, and how Derrida can change the way you think.
* The A-Z entries are framed by essays on the inherent interdisciplinarity of Derrida’s work and on Derrida’s relationship to a range of other thinkers.
Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Terms viii
List of Abbreviations x
Preface xii
Dictionary 1
References (Image – Music – Print) 168
Index 174
Sobre o autor
Niall Lucy teaches in English and Philosophy at Murdoch
University. His previous books, which have been translated into
several languages, are Debating Derrida (1995), Beyond
Semiotics: Text, Culture and Technology (2001) and (for
Blackwell) Postmodern Literary Theory: An Introduction
(1997) and the accompanying Postmodern Literary Theory: An
Anthology (2000). He is also editor of the Philosophy and
Cultural Studies issue of Continuum (1998).