With the consequences of the world’s gas flaring practices only just beginning to be understood or even studied, this volume is the first in decades to tackle a very difficult hot-button issue for our time that could significantly reduce CO2 emissions and their affect on global warming.
When properly used and maintained, flare gas systems can be a safe and reliable technology for system protection and in controlling emissions stemming from emergency releases. However, when misuse...
Tabela de Conteúdo
Preface vii
About the author xi
1 Principles of Combustion 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Combustion Basics 3
1.3 Physical Gas Laws 9
1.4 Stoichiometric and Therm...
Sobre o autor
Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph D, is a consultant to
industry, international lending institutions, and donor agencies on
pollution prevention and responsible environm...