The idea of an alliance between Britain and its old Commonwealth colonies has recently made a remarkable comeback in the context of Brexit. Based on belief in a special bond between the English-speaking peoples of the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, it has been dubbed the ‘Anglosphere’ by supporters and ‘Empire 2.0’ by critics.
In this book, leading commentators Michael Kenny and Nick Pearce trace the historical origins of this idea back to the shadow cast by the ...
Tabela de Conteúdo
* Contents
* Acknowledgements
* Introduction
* Chapter 1
* The Origins of the Anglosphere
* Chapter 2
* After Empire: The Rise of the ‘English-Speaking Peop...
Sobre o autor
Mike Kenny is Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge
Nick Pearce is Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Institute for Policy Research at...