Autor: Nicole

Nicole is a 39-year-old widowed woman according to most but to her, shes always going to be a wife to Sabian and will see him in another dimension. She was born in a small town in Greeneville, Tennessee, which she now resides at. She has moved to different cities and states since she was 19 years old. She resided in Hollywood, California 15 years and for five, she lived in Des Moines, Iowa with her hubby Sabian whom she wrote about for 5 years. Nicole writes poetry, is a singer-songwriter and is part of the Nashville Songwriters Association. She also does certified Reiki healings. Shes a medicine woman, shaman, a twin flame with her hubby and takes care of people. She has done psychic medium duties, modeling and extra work as an actress like cameos and prop modeling. She enjoys making arts & crafts such as dream catchers, soaps, and candles. Life has been very difficult for her since Sabian passed but miracles have happened.

15 Ebooks por Nicole

Nicole: Love and Tragedy
Love and Tragedy is about Nicoles own true love storyhow she met her husband, Sabian, and how he felt that it was love at first sight. He didnt give up on her and chased her. They fell in love and gr …
Nicole: Serenity Through God 1
Serenity Through God explains why I didnt believe that a person called God was real. Why did he let men take my body from me, having nothing to feel? My dad died when I was seven. He was a trucker. I …
Nicole: When War Calls
This book is inspired by real-life events in Nicoles life, struggling to get through it with God as she was going through life trail and tribulations. During her down times, God inspired her to write …
Nicole: Life Will Take You There
Life! How can I explain it? Or can it be explained? Im 27 years old right now. To some folk Im young, but to me I have lived, seen, and conquered a lot. I come from a broken home, where both parents …
Nicole: Mug Cake Mania
Mug Cake Mania è il mio ebook dedicato solo a queste magiche “torte in tazza“. Racchiude una raccolta inedita di Ricette Fit  e Light di Mug Cakes, sia Dolci che Salate. Tutte Pronte in Pochi Minuti …
Nicole: Le Ricette Proteiche
80 Ricette Proteiche con focus sul Senza Glutine e il Low Carb. Tante Idee per pasti fuori casa, Pasti veloci e sostituzioni di Pane e Pasta. Il Ricettario Proteico che non puoi non avere! …
Nicole: Wasa Love
Wasa Love è il mio ebook dedicato a queste magiche, e ormai famosissime, fette croccanti.  Racchiude una raccolta di idee e ricette Ricche di Gusto, Semplici, Fit e Light, sia Dolci che Salate. Tutte …
Nicole: 1 anno di Fit with Fun
1 anno di Fit with Fun – 200 ricette per stare in forma con allegria. La raccolta di un anno di ricette sparse tra sito ufficiale e socials. Circa 200 ricette salutari e gustose, complete di foto, ca …
Nicole: Dolci senza Peccato
“Un Dolce al giorno toglie la Depressione di torno!” 150 Ricette di Dolci Salutari, semplici da preparare anche per chi non è pratico di cucina. Con queste Ricette voglio dimostrare che si può essere …
Steve Jeremy: Mastermind Bible – How to use a mastermind group to become successful
Alone we are strong; together we are stronger.Only together can we grow. Everyone gets to a point where they cannot move forward on their own, be it down to motivation, knowledge, trust or inspiratio …
Nicole: Widow Tree
In the fall of 1953, three teenagers find a clutch of long-lost Roman coins while clearing vegetables from a government field, and they argue over what to do with this newfound wealth. Nevena insists …
Kathryn Le Veque: Il Signore della Guerra – L”Angelo Nero
In battaglia, nessun uomo può eguagliarlo. 1356 D.C. – È un periodo di guerre per l’Inghilterra mentre il Principe Nero mette sotto assedio la Francia, colpendo la popolazione con terribili guer …
Elena Babatsouli & David Ingram: Crosslinguistic Encounters in Language Acquisition
This book presents diverse, original research studies on typical and atypical child language acquisition in monolingual, bilingual and bi-dialectal settings, with a focus on development, assessment a …
Nicole: Nice Surprise
Caillou decides to surprise his mother with a new recipe. Hard at work in the kitchen, he becomes covered with flour, and a puddle of honey causes his feet to stick to the floor. His thoughtful gestu …
Melissa & Nicole: Planeta das gêmeas
Imagine reunir toda a diversão de um canal pra lá de animado e colocar em páginas lindas e coloridas? Pois foi assim que surgiu este livro que tem a carinha das irmãs mais fofas da internet: Melissa …