Autor: Nora Alexander

Nora Alexander was reared in a non-Christian home. God raised her up to become a teacher, pastor’s wife, and mother of four. Circumstances in life threw her into a world filled with confusion, loneliness, abandonment, and debilitating depression. Anger and bitterness threatened to destroy her joy in Christ, which in turn jeopardized her spiritual, emotional, physical, and family health. Christian counseling and the practice of journaling helped her discover how and why she became broken. This book is the product of her journey back into a blessed life. Today, she enjoys living life in middle–Tennessee.

2 Ebooks por Nora Alexander

Nora Alexander: Bitter, Broken, Blessed
Life contains intense battles. When it has been infiltrated by heartache, suffering, and evil how does one move past it and leave the trauma behind? When our faith and belief clash with reality and c …
Nora Alexander: Opa und die Nacht der Wölfe
Ollis Opa ist anders als andere Großväter und macht seltsame Sachen: Er will Eis mit Ketchup essen, geht mitten in der Nacht spazieren und vergisst sogar manchmal, aufs Klo zu gehen. Wie peinlich. Do …