And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
The Seven Components of the Will of God is a treatise from the stable of Reverend Olusola A. Areogun, and this book brings the understanding of the will of God to your doorstep. Many Christians have sought to know and do the will of God for their lives but up until now theyve not understood the critical details of the will of God for them. This book dissolves your doubts and removes the dross from your silver.
With 30 chapters of revelational knowledge, you will no more be in the dark as touching the will of God concerning your destiny, your calling, your career, your family and whatsoever you put your heart to. If you mean business with God and you dont want to end up less than God planned for you, then you have the right book in your hands!
In this book discover:
X The Divine Purpose for Your Life and Resources
X The Components of Wisdom
X Divine Strategy
X What is Greater than Prayer
X How not to Lose Your Place
X 14 Things Discovery of Divine Purpose will do for you
X How to Discover your Set Time
X And Lots More!
Sobre o autor
Olusola Ayodele Areogun is an ordained minister of the gospel. He serves the will of God in this generation as author, teacher, church planter and mentor of leaders for the next generation with varied ministerial exposure and experience. He also serves as a father and cover to many up and coming ministers.
He is the President of the Living Jesus Ministeries Inc. and the General Overseer of the Life Oasis Int’l Churches. His daily Radio/TV programme, ‘Living By The Answer ‘ is heard across Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe and the U.S. Other outreaches include Web of Wisdom Ministers’ Conference, a bi-annual event to refresh and re-fire ministers of the gospel, the Living Jesus Ministerial Training Institute (a full time Bible School), Eagle Media, Spirit Meat (a freely distributed daily devotional guide) and Abundant Life House, the publishing arm has over sixty publications.
In a vision, he saw himself standing before the Lord with other servants of God to pick their life assignments; when his turn came, he picked a sheet of paper on which was written; ‘COMMITTED TO HELPING MEN REALISE THEIR GOD-GIVEN DREAMS IN LIFE.’ This sums up the heart beat of this servant of God. He is happily married to Oyenike, also an ordained minister of the gospel; they are blessed with two children, Joshua and Peace who are also involved in the ministry.