Omid Tofighian is Lecturer in Rhetoric and Composition in the School of Literature, Art, and Media and Honorary Research Associate in the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry at the University of Sydney, Australia. He has also lectured and conducted research in the UAE, Belgium, Netherlands and intermittent periods in Iran. His research combines philosophy with rhetoric, religion, popular culture, transnationalism, displacement and discrimination.
4 Ebooks por Omid Tofighian
Omid Tofighian: Myth and Philosophy in Platonic Dialogues
This book rethinks Plato’s creation and use of myth by drawing on theories and methods from myth studies, religious studies, literary theory and related fields. Individual myths function differe …
Behrouz Boochani & Omid Tofighian: Kein Freund außer den Bergen
»Die zornige Stimme der Internierten« – Süddeutsche Zeitung Der kurdisch-iranische Journalist Behrouz Boochani wurde Anfang 2013 auf der berüchtigten Abschiebeinsel Manus Island in einem von Australi …
Behrouz Boochani: Freedom, Only Freedom
Over six years of imprisonment in Australia’s offshore migrant detention centre, the Kurdish-Iranian journalist and writer Behrouz Boochani bore personal witness to the suffering and degradation infl …
Behrouz Boochani: Freedom, Only Freedom
Over six years of imprisonment in Australia’s offshore migrant detention centre, the Kurdish-Iranian journalist and writer Behrouz Boochani bore personal witness to the suffering and degradation infl …