Presents an insightful, interdisciplinary approach for preventing elder abuse
Encompassing the contributions of leading scholars in public health and gerontology, this is a rich repository of key ideas, concepts and issues regarding elder abuse and the role of public health initiatives in its prevention. The text frames elder abuse as a public health problem, stressing that efforts toward prevention is well within the scope of work performed by public health professionals. It describes major public policy/public health initiatives as they relate to elder abuse, analyzes elder abuse as a global and human rights issue, and supports the development of core competencies for public health work to prevent elder abuse.
The text describes in detail major theoretical and applied issues within elder abuse and grounds these issues within the core functions and essential services of public health. It then addresses skill development using the core competencies for public health professionals. The book is the first to tie the core functions and essential public health services to core public health competency domains and creates a topic-specific framework for effective public health practice. An annotated section includes the most up-to-date resources for both public health and elder abuse, including toolkits, stakeholder lists, and references. A discussion of future directions for the field sets the agenda for a committed interdisciplinary approach to ameliorating and preventing elder abuse.
Key Features:
- Grounds elder abuse prevention within the core functions and essential services of public health
- Provides a storehouse of scientific and practical information on elder abuse
- Stresses skill development using core competencies for public health professionals
- Encompasses the contributions of outstanding leaders in public health and gerontology
- Includes news stories, illustrative case examples, resources, blogs, and webinars
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Framing Elder Abuse as a Public Health Problem
Jeffrey E. Hall and Pamela B. Teaster
2. Elder Abuse and the Core Function of Public Health: Using the 10 Essential Public Health Services as a Framework for Addressing Elder Abuse
Shalon M. Irving and Jeffrey E. Hall
3. Elder Abuse and the Role of Public Health Law and Health Services Administration
Emmanuel D. Jadhav and James W. Holsinger, Jr.
4. Intimate Partner Violence Affecting Older Adults: Public Health Implications
Holly Ramsey-Klawsnik
5. American Indian Perspectives, Challenges, and Approaches to Elder Abuse
Derrell W. Cox II and Lori L. Jervis
6. Intersection of Public Health and Nontraditional Partners and Approaches to Address Elder Abuse
Georgia J. Anetzberger
7. Initiatives, Organizations, and Efforts Addressing Elder Abuse
Pamela B. Teaster, Jeffrey E. Hall, and Fatemeh Zarghami
8. Public Health, Human Rights, and Global Perspectives on Elder Abuse
Elizabeth Podnieks and Cynthia Thomas
9. Summations and Concluding Thoughts
Pamela B. Teaster and Jeffrey E. Hall
Sobre o autor
Jeffrey E. Hall, Ph D, MSPH, CPH, serves as Deputy Associate Director for Science in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE).