Improve overall school performance from start to Finnish!
Finland’s consistent performance in international student assessments has caused much curiosity in recent years. Educators around the world are exploring what Finland does well and how they remain at the top.
Pasi Sahlberg has hosted multiple delegations of educators in Finland seeking ideas and tools to apply to their home districts, and has determined real change can begin with four uncomplicated ideas. Focusing on leading learners, this book considers topics like:
- Physical activity is crucial for substantial learning
- Enhancing equity is an essential component of success
- Embedding ideas into your current leadership practices takes perseverance
Finland’s particular brand of leadership culture in education is an ideal model for improving educational performance anywhere
Tabela de Conteúdo
About the Author
Prologue: Accidental Lunch
Chapter 1: Make Recess the Right of the Child
Chapter 2: Use Small Data for Big Change
Chapter 3: Enhance Equity in Education
Chapter 4: Avoid Urban Legends About Finnish Schools
Epilogue: Intentional Dessert
Conclusion: Don’t Be Denied
Sobre o autor
Pasi Sahlberg is Finnish educator, author, and scholar. He has worked as schoolteacher, teacher educator, researcher, and policy advisor in Finland and has studied education systems and reforms around the world. His expertise includes school improvement, international education issues, classroom teaching and learning, and school leadership. His bestseller book Finnish Lessons 2.0: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland won the 2013 Grawemeyer Award. He is a former Director General of CIMO (Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation) at the Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture in Helsinki, and currently a visiting Professor of Practice at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education in Cambridge, MA, USA. More on his website: and Twitter: @pasi_sahlberg.