If the quality of your virtual interactions are not quite where you want them to be, perhaps that is because we need virtual engagement tactics and strategy. Just because virtual communication is the new norm doesn’t mean we have evolved.
Our listeners are still like squirrels! As you probably have noticed, squirrels have relatively short attention spans and behave in a jumpy, sporadic, and distracted manner. But when that squirrel eats a nut, he sits still, he’s focused, and his attention span increases by 23, 900%.
The ALMOND Virtual Communication Strategy™ is a bucket of tools based on the study of neuroscience and communication to make the virtual interaction more valuable, enhance our ability to deliver our messages more clearly and more effectively, and make it easier for the audience to remain engaged.
A – Audience
L – Length
M- Mirror
O – Organize
N- Need to Engage
D – Do’s and don’ts